Public Health Service


Workgroup on Computer-based Patient Records

January 31-February 1, 2000

Washington, D.C.

- Minutes -

The Workgroup on Computer-based Patient Records of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics held a public meeting on January 31 and February 1, 2000, at the Hubert H. Humphrey Building, Washington, D.C.


Workgroup Members:




Note: The transcript of this meeting is posted on the NCVHS website.


January 31-February 1, 2000

The NCVHS Workgroup on Computer-based Patient Records (CPR) conducted a meeting on January 31 and February 1, 2000, in an ongoing process to study the issues and to advise the Department on the adoption of uniform data standards for patient medical record information (PMRI) and electronic exchange of that data. The purpose of this meeting was to review the latest version of the draft report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.


Mr. Blair outlined the purpose and future schedule of the Workgroup. Members, staff, and other participants introduced themselves. Members of the Workgroup who had not done so previously disclosed their present and previous associations that may affect their deliberations on the issues under consideration.


Members of the Workgroup approved the draft outline of the report as written. Recommendations were made in the areas of leadership of the Secretary, guiding principles, advice from NCVHS, message format standards, data quality features, incentives, diverse state laws and regulations, the business case, and confidentiality. Certain draft recommendations were deleted.

The members raised issues regarding certain concepts and language expressed in the text; deliberated on the best ways to resolve issues, refined concepts and language, deleted unnecessary text, and modified the structure the report (adding a glossary); incorporated consensus revisions and additional detail into the body of the report; and agreed to supply substitute language for particularly thorny or complex issues to be considered at a subsequent time.


Following adjournment, Mr. Blair and Ms. Amatayakul planned to continue the refinement of the document. The revised version will be distributed to the Workgroup before the NCVHS full committee meeting.

The format of the Workgroup's presentation at the full committee meeting was anticipated to be a high-level review of the background and a step-by-step presentation of the crucial observations and recommendations. A conference call including Dr. Cohn, Mr. Blair, and Ms. Amatayakul was planned to organize the presentation.

Mr. Blair thanked the members for their participation and adjourned the meeting.


January 31-February 1, 2000

The NCVHS Workgroup on Computer-based Patient Records (CPR) conducted a meeting on January 31 and February 1, 2000, in an ongoing process to study the issues and advise the Department on the adoption of uniform data standards for patient medical record information (PMRI) and electronic exchange of that data. The purpose of this meeting was to review the latest version of the draft report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services.


Mr. Blair outlined the purpose and future schedule of the Workgroup. Members, staff, and other participants introduced themselves. Members of the Workgroup who had not done so previously disclosed their present and previous associations that may affect their deliberations on the issues under consideration.


Members of the Workgroup approved the draft outline of the report as written. The sections include executive summary (to be written later), introduction, and recommendations. Recommendations were made in the areas of leadership of the Secretary, guiding principles, advice from NCVHS, message format standards, data quality features, incentives, diverse state laws and regulations, the business case, and confidentiality. Certain draft recommendations were deleted.

The members raised issues regarding certain concepts and language expressed in the text; deliberated on the best ways to resolve issues, refine concepts and language, delete unnecessary text, and modify the structure the report (adding a glossary); incorporated consensus revisions and additional detail into the body of the report; and agreed to supply substitute language for particularly thorny or complex issues to be considered at a subsequent time.


Following adjournment, Mr. Blair and Ms. Amatayakul planned to continue the refinement of the document and submit it to Ms. Greenberg by February 11. Ms. Greenberg planned to distribute the revised document to the Workgroup a week before the NCVHS full committee meeting.

The format of the Workgroup's presentation at the full committee meeting is anticipated to be a high-level review of the background and a step-by-step presentation of the crucial observations and recommendations. A conference call including Dr. Cohn, Mr. Blair, and Ms. Amatayakul was planned to organize the presentation.

Mr. Blair thanked the members for their participation and adjourned the meeting at 1:55 pm.

I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the foregoing summary of minutes is accurate and complete.

/s/ Jeffrey S. Blair 12/7/00


Chair Date