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January 17, 2009
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House Resolutions - 110th Congress

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H. Res. 258—A Resolution Expressing the Sense of the House of Representatives that there should be Established a National Autoimmune Diseases Awareness Month

On March 21, 2007, Representative Steve Israel (D-NY) introduced H. Res. 258, a resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that there should be established a National Autoimmune Diseases Awareness Month. The text of the resolution is not yet available. The resolution sites congressional support for the efforts of health care providers and autoimmune patient advocacy and education groups to increase awareness of the causes of, and treatments for, autoimmune diseases, and for the goal of increasing the Federal investment in aggressive research to determine the root causes of, and development of best diagnostics and treatments for people with autoimmune diseases. H. Res. 258 was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.



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