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NASA 50th Anniversary Celebration Gala
Marriott Key Center
127 Public Square
Cleveland, Ohio 44114

NASA 50th Anniversary Celebration GalaJoin Ohio's aerospace community on August 29 for a black-tie celebration of NASA's 50 years of inspiration, innovation and discovery. The event will pay tribute to Ohio's astronauts, who have dedicated their lives to space exploration, and honor NASA's Glenn Research Center.

More than 18 astronauts will attend the event, including former U.S. Sen. John Glenn, who will serve as the honorary chairman.

NBC News Correspondent Jay Barbree will be the keynote speaker. The only journalist to have covered every single manned space mission in the United States, Barbree is the author or co-author of seven books, including his most recent book, "Live from Cape Canaveral: Covering the Space Race, from Sputnik to Today." After dinner, he will moderate "A Conversation with Ohio's Astronauts."

Reception: 6:30 p.m.
Dinner: 7:30 p.m.
Program: 8:15 p.m.

To purchase tickets, visit http://www.nasa50thohiogala.org/ →