1. Where can I obtain information on the new electronic submission of grant applications and corresponding time frame?


  2. With the advent of electronic submission of applications to NIH, where can I get information on pre-submission requirements such as registration?

    Organizations are encouraged to prepare themselves for electronic submission of their application by completing registration in both Grants.gov and the NIH eRA Commons now.

    Grants.gov Registration

    Grants.gov requires a one-time registration. If an applicant organization has already completed Grants.gov registration for another Federal agency, they can skip this section and focus on the NIH eRA Commons registration information can be found on the Grants.gov Get Started website http://www.grants.gov/GetStarted. It can take some time to fully complete the registration process so applicant organizations are encouraged to start early.

    NIH eRA Commons Registration

    In addition to Grants.gov registration, applicant organizations planning on submitting applications to the NIH must also complete a one-time, two-step Commons registration.

    1. Commons Registration for the Organization: Organizations may verify their current registration status by running the List of Commons Registered Organizations query found at: http://era.nih.gov/commons. Organizations not yet registered can go to https://commons.era.nih.gov/commons/registration/registrationInstructions.jsp for instructions. It generally takes several days to complete this registration process. This registration is independent of Grants.gov and may be done at any time.
    2. Commons Registration for the Principal Investigator (PI): The individual designated as the PI on the application must also be registered in the Commons. The PI must hold a PI account and be affiliated with the applicant organization. This registration must be done by an organizational official or their delegate who is already registered in the Commons. It is recommended that this registration process be completed at least 2 weeks prior to the submittal date of any Grants.gov submission. To register PIs in the Commons, refer to the eRA Commons User Guide found at: http://era.nih.gov/commons/index.cfm.

    Please direct questions regarding the Commons registration process to the NIH eRA Commons help desk at
    phone: 301-402-7469/866-504-9552 (Toll Free); 301-451-5939 (TTY) business hours M-F 7am - 8pm Eastern Standard Time.

    Updates on the status of the transition to electronic submission and the new form set will be posted in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts.

  3. How do I find project summaries if I know the topic, principal investigator or grant number?

    CRISP (Project Summaries)

  4. Where do I find information on NCI Training Programs?

    NCI Training

  5. Where do I find information regarding the Small Business SBIR and STTR programs including both grants and contracts?



  6. Where do I find information on Small Business Research Topics of Interest to the NIH?


  7. How do I find information on NCI contracts, including active NCI contract Requests for Proposals and recently issued Requests for Proposals?


  8. Where do I find information on NCI priorities for future directions?

    Budget Proposal

  9. Where do I find the definitions of various grant mechanisms, such as R01, R21 or P01?

    Types of Grants Defined

  10. How do I find recently cleared NCI concepts which may result in future Program Announcements, Requests for Applications, or Requests for Proposals?

    Recently Cleared Grant/Contract Concepts

  11. Where do I find a listing of NCI Program Announcements by grant mechanism, such as P01 or R21?

    NCI Program Announcements by Grant Mechanism

  12. Where do I find a listing of active NCI grant Program Announcements?

    Active NCI Program Announcements (Grants)

  13. Where do I find a listing of active NCI grant Requests for Applications?

    Active NCI Requests for Applications (Grants)

  14. Where do I find a comprehensive listing of NIH grant initiatives, such as Program Announcemsnts and Requests for Applications?

    NIH Guide

  15. What one web site describes all grant opportunities from all Federal grant-awarding Agencies, including NCI and NIH?


  16. Where do I get advice on the suitablility of an application for the NCI mission?

    Contact a Program Director in the appropriate area of expertise.



  1. Where do I get the forms used for most grant applications or other grant forms?

    398 Forms

    See also SF474

  2. Where do I find information on regulations concerning use of human subjects or animals in research?

    Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP)

    Data and Saftety Monitoring of Clinical Trials

    Further Guidance on a Data and Safety Plan for Monitoring for Phase I and II Trials

    Office of Laboratory Animal Welvare (OLAW)

  3. Where do I find the NCI policy on inclusion of women, minorities and children in research?

    Women and Minorities


  4. How do I obtain Human Subject Assurance Forms?

    Office for Human Research Protections

  5. Where can I get instructions and forms for submitting a Small Business project?


    Electronic Registration

    Note that as of December 1, 2005 all SBIR/STTR application submissions must be electronic.

  6. Where can I find instructive tips on the SBIR program?

    SBIR Phase I

    SBIR Phase II

  7. How do I apply for conference grant support?

    Conference Grants

    Inclusion of Women, etc.

    Note that as of December 15, 2005 all conference grant submissions must be electronic.

  8. Where do I find the latest NCI guidelines for Program Project Grants?

    Program Project Guidelines

  9. What are the guidelines regarding "modular budgets"?

    Preparation and Format


    See Also

  10. What is the latest NIH guideline on salary caps?

    Salary Limitation on Grants, Cooperative Agreements and Contracts

  11. Where do I find helpful hints on preparing an application?

    Grants Writing Tips Sheets

  12. What is the NCI policy on budget inflation increases for Type 2 (competitive renewal) applications?

    Generally, a budget inflation increase of 20% over current level is allowed. See below for details.



  13. What are AREA grants and where can I find the guidelines and eligibility information?



  1. Where do I find information about the Center for Scientific Review (CSR), which cnducts peer review on most grant applications?

    Center for Scientific Review (CSR)

  2. How do I find study section rosters of scientists who are likely to review my grant application in CSR?

    CSR Study Section Rosters

  3. Where do I find information on the description of the function of the various study sections?


  4. How do I get my score and summary statement after peer review?

    These are available on the eRA Commons after you have registered. See question #1 above.

  5. How do I find who serves on the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) and other NCI Advisory Committees?

    NCI Advisory Boards and Groups


  1. What are the legislative mandates that I should be aware of?

    Legislative Mandates Contained in the 2005 Consolidated Appropriations Resolution P.L. 108-07. Signed 12/08/04

  2. Where do I get information on Data-Sharing?

    NIH Statement On Sharing Research Data

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Policy Extention

  3. What are the instructions on sharing model organisms?


    See Also http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/model_organism/index.htm


  1. Where do I find information on NIH Grant Policies, such as rights and responsibilities of Principal Investigators?

    Grants Policy Statement

    Publication of the Revised Grant Policy for all NIH grants and cooperative agreements with budget periods beginning on or after December 1, 2003

  2. After my grant is awarded, can I rebudget between categories without prior approval from NCI?

    Yes, up to a 25% variance from total costs (that is, you may rebudget between categories, both direct and indirect costs). For example, if your total costs are $200,000 per year, you may rebudget up to $50,000 from one category, such as personnel, to another category, such as supplies. See the NIH Grant Policy for more details.

  3. How do I add supplements to NCI grants to promote personnel diversity in Health-Related and to promote re-entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research careers?


    Persons with Disabilities

    Reentry into Research

    See Also http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-CA-05-028.html

  4. Where do I send my completed minority supplement applications?

    Original and 2 copies should be sent to:

    Dr. Peter Ogunbiyi
    Comprehensive Minority Biomedical Branch
    National Cancer Institute
    6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 7028
    MSC 8350
    Bethesda, MD 20892-8350 (US Postal Service) Rockville, MD 20852 (Courier Services)

    Contact: Dr. Peter Ogunbiyi- peter.ogunbiyi@nih.hhs.gov

  5. How do I report inventions supported by NIH funding?

    EDISON (Invention Reporting)

  6. May I obtain prior approvals, such as a change in Principal Investigator, by email?

    Yes, provided appropriate information is provided as in Notice OD-00-009, January 6, 2000,NIH Guide.

  7. Where do I send my interim progress reports and final reports for NCI grants?

    Interim progress reports for most grant mechanisms are best submitted electronically through eSNAP which requires registration on the eRA Commons (See question #1 above). Until electronic submission is fully implemented for your type of grant, the option is to mail the report to:

    Division of Extramural Activities Support, OER
    National Institutes of Health
    6705 Rockledge Drive, Room 2207, MSC 7987
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7987 (for regular or US Postal Service Express mail)
    Bethesda, MD 20817 (for other courier/express mail delivery only)
    Phone: (301)594-6584

    Final reports are sent to:
    National Cancer Institute
    Records Management Center
    Executive Plaza South
    6120 Executive Boulevard, Room T42, MSC 7107
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7107
    Express Mail/Courier Service: Rockville, MD 20852
    Phone: (301)496-7756
    FAX: (301)496-8662

  8. Where do I send my progress reports for AREA grants?

    A yearly progress report should be sent to the NCI Program Director of the grant listed on the Notice of Grant Award.

    Final progress reports should be sent to the above address in question #44 for the Records Management Center.


  1. Where do I find information on the policies regarding technology transfer and standard forms, such as Material Transfer Agreements?

    Technology Transfer

  2. Does NCI support new technologies?

    Yes. See Office of Technology and Industrial Relations (OTIR):


  1. Where do I find the NCI web site?


  2. Where do I find information on ongoing NCI-sponsored clinical trials?

    Cancer Trials- a comprehensive clinical trials resource

  3. Where do I find information on NCI press releases?

    NCI Press Rleases

  4. Where do I find information to assist friends or relatives who have cancer?

    Cancer Information Service
    Getting Answers to Cancer questions: 1-800-4-CANCER

  5. How do I find cancer rates by disease, such as lung cancer, for different parts of the United States?

    Cancer Mortality


  1. Where do I find information on new genetically defined mouse models of human cancer?

    Mouse Models of Human Cancers

  2. Where do I find a list of available research resources, such as tissue repositories?

    Grant Funding Resources

    Additional Grant Funding Resources


  1. How do I find the latest information on the NCI project to identify "cancer genes"?

    Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP)

  2. How do I find a comprehensive list of NCI Program Directors by Program Areas of Expertise?

    NCI Program Directors for Grants


  1. Where do I find the NIH position on recent items of interest in the news?

    NIH News Flashes