A Nonpartisan Economic and Social Policy Research Organization
Four guys at a bus stop

… a well-run public [health insurance] plan could constrain private spending because private insurers would have to compete on price.
Linda Blumberg in The New York Times, Jan. 8.

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January 18, 2009

Which Children Should Be Eligible?

Child getting temperatureWhere should income eligibility thresholds be set for SCHIP?  Insurance premiums are less affordable for families at 300% of poverty level now than they were for families at 200% in 1996, suggesting the need to adjust thresholds for costs of living and growth in health care costs. Read more

Senior Unemployment Hits 31-Year High

unemployed senior

Unlike most previous recessions, the current economic slowdown has substantially increased the unemployment rate for older Americans. In December, 5.1 percent of workers age 65 and older were unemployed, the highest share since March 1977. This factsheet provides the latest information on the employment situation of older Americans. Read more

Policymaking and the New President

flag and white houseUrban Institute experts offer their advice on evidence-based policymaking and the domestic issues ahead for President Obama and the 111th Congress.

Len Burman on tax and budget policy in year one
Elizabeth Boris
on financial relief and community service 
Margery Austin Turner on housing segregation and diversity
Robert I. Lerman
on expanding apprenticeship
Eric Toder
on tax priorities
Harry Hatry
on governing for results
Margery Austin Turner
on rental housing
Jesse Jannetta, Nancy LaVigne, Amy Solomon, and Laura Winterfield
on ex-offenders
Charles Cadwell on foreign aid

Five Questions for the Experts

Jeffrey RohalyJeffrey Rohaly, director of tax modeling for the Tax Policy Center (TPC), unpacks and explains how the Center’s state-of-the-art microsimulation model works. This powerful tax model allowed TPC to produce the only comprehensive and objective analysis of the 2008 presidential candidates’ tax plans—revealing each plan’s effects on economic growth, the national debt, and families’ tax burden.

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Urban Brookings Tax Policy Center

Public Housing and the Legacy of Segregation
Public Housing
and the
Legacy of Segregation

Margery Austin Turner, Susan J. Popkin, and Lynette Rawlings

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