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Roberto Weigert, Ph.D.

Intracellular Membrane Trafficking Unitphoto of Roberto Weigert

BETHESDA, MD 20892-4340

Phone: (301) 496-9969
Fax:(301) 496-1966
Cell: (301) 803-8129
E-mail:Dr. Roberto Weigert

Research interest

Our main interest is in membrane traffic. By transitioning from cell culture models to three dimensional systems and live organisms using intra-vital microscopy, we aim at elucidating the molecular mechanisms regulating both exocytic and endocytic events in mammalian cells.



2000 Ph.D. Open University, London, UK, and Consorzio Mario Negri Sud, Italy
1992 M.Sc. Chemistry, University of Catania, Catania,  Italy


Selected Publications

Weigert  R. and Donaldson  JG. Fluorescent microscopy-based assays to study the role of Rab22a in clathrin-independent  endocytosis (2005)  Methods in Enzymology   403:243-253

Donaldson JG., Honda A., and Weigert R. Multiple Activities for Arf1 at the Golgi Complex  (2005) Biochim Biophys Acta 1744(3):364-73

Weigert R., Yeung AC., Li J.,  and Donaldson J.G. Rab22a Regulates the Recycling of Membrane Proteins Internalized Independently of Clathrin. (2004) – Mol. Biol. Cell  15(8), 3758-3770

Naslavsky N.*, Weigert R*. and Donaldson J.G Characterization of a Non-Clathrin Endocytic Pathway: Membrane Cargo and Lipid Requirements. (2004) – Mol. Biol. Cell  15(8), 3542-3552

* Equal contribution

Altan-Bonnet N., Phair R.D., Polishchuk R.S., Weigert R,  and Lippincott-Schwartz J.  Arf1 inactivation is necessary for mitotic Golgi disassembly, chromosome segregation and cytokinesis.  (2003) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 100(23):13314-9

Naslavsky N., Weigert R. and Donaldson J.G.  Convergence of non-clathrin and clathrin-derived endosomes requires ARF6 inactivation and phosphoinositide turnover. (2003) – Mol. Biol. Cell 14(2):417-431.

Weigert R., Silletta M. G.,  Spanò S.,  Turacchio G. , Cericola C., Colanzi A., Mancini R., Polishchuk E.V., Salmona M., Facchiano F., Burger K.N.J.,  Mironov A., Luini A., and Corda D. (1999).  CtBP/Bars induces fission of Golgi membranes by acylating lysophosphatidic acid.  Nature 402: 429-433.

Silletta M.G., Colanzi A., Weigert R., Di Girolamo M., Santone I., Fiucci G.,  Mironov A.,  De Matteis M. A.,  Luini A. and  Corda D. (1999).  Role of the brefeldin A-dependent ADP-ribosylation in the control of intracellular membrane transport.  Mol. Cell.  Biochem. 193: 43-51.

Mironov A., Colanzi A., Silletta M. G., Fiucci G., Flati S., Fusella A., Polishchuk R., Mironov A. Jr.,  Di Tullio G., Weigert R., Malhotra V., Corda D., De Matteis M. A. and Luini A. (1997).  Role of NAD+ and ADP-ribosylation in the mainteinance of the Golgi structure.  J. Cell Biol. 139:1109-1118.

Weigert R., Colanzi A., Mironov  A., Buccione R., Cericola C., Sciulli M. G., Santini G., Flati S.,  Fusella A., Donaldson  J. G., Di Girolamo M., Corda  D., De Matteis M. A.  and  Luini A. (1997).  Characterization of chemical inhibitors of the brefeldin-a-activated mono-adp-ribosylation. J.  Biol.  Chem.  272: 14200-14207.

Weigert R.,  Colanzi A.,  Limina C.,  Cericola C.,  Di Tullio G.,  Mironov A.  Luini A. and  De Matteis M. A. (1997).  Characterization of an endogenous mono ADP-ribosyl transferase stimulated by brefeldin A. Advanced in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol. 419: 337-342.

Silletta M.G.,  Di Girolamo M., Fiucci G., Weigert R., Mironov A., De Matteis M. A., Luini A. and Corda D. (1997).  Possible role of BARS-50, a substrate of brefeldin A-dependent  mono-ADP-ribosylation, in intracellular transport. Advanced in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol. 419: 321-330.

Colanzi A.,  Mironov A., Weigert R., Limina C., Flati S., Cericola C., Di Tullio G.,  Di Girolamo M., Corda D., De Matteis M. A. and Luini A. (1997).  Brefeldin A-induced ADP-ribosylation in the structure and function of the Golgi complex. Advanced in Experimental Medicine and Biology  419: 331-335.

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This page last updated: December 20, 2008