
Large Scale Network (LSN)
Joint Engineering Team (JET)

(Updated June 2008)


The JET coordinates networking activities, operations, and plans amongst multiple Federal agency operational and research networks. Agencies represented are: DOD, DOE, NASA, and NSF, the NGI, and I2.

Current projects are:

JET membership includes representation from Federal agencies, industry, academia, and other groups with an interest in high performance research networking.

The JET was created in 1997 to help coordinate large scale Federal networking activities to support research and engineering. Membership came from the Engineering and Operations Working Group of the Federal Networking Council, the Next Generation Internet Implementation Team, and representatives from Internet2 (I2).

The JET reports to the Large Scale Networking (LSN) Coordinating Group of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Subcommittee.

Conferences and Workshops

Optical Network Testbeds (ONT) Workshop 2 held at the NASA Ames Research center in Mountain View, CA (September 12-14, 2005)

JET Optical Networking Testbed Workshop held in Arlington, VA (April 19, 2005) [Agenda and Presentations]

JET Roadmap Workshop held at the DOE Jefferson Laboratory (JLab) in Newport News, VA (April 13-15, 2004) [Agenda and Presentations]

JET Material

JETnet Links