U.S. Department of Health & Human Services U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Frequent Questions


Drug & Food Information

Topics on this page:


What's New

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Advisories, Alerts, Bulletins, Recalls, & Adverse Events

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Animals: Health, Safety, and Drugs

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Blood & Biologics (allergenics, biological treatments, vaccines)

General Information:

Bone Marrow Transplantation:

Blood, Transfusion, and Regulations:

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Vision-Related Devices:

Other Specific Devices:

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Dietary Supplements

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General Drug Information:

Specific Drug Information:

Buying Medicines Online:

Generic Drugs:

Drug Allergies:

Drug Adverse Reactions and Interactions:

Drug Recall:

Drug Reimportation:

Non-prescription/Over-the-counter Drugs:

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Food Safety:

Food Labeling:

Food Storage:

Food Preparation:

Food Additives:

Food Coloring:

Food Irradiation:

Food Allergy:

Food Recalls:

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Safe Drinking Water

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Last revised: February 13, 2007


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