Next Generation Internet Research Act of 1998

Next Generation Internet Research Act of 1998 - A bill to amend the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 to authorize appropriations for fiscal years 1999 and 2000 for the Next Generation Internet program, to require the Advisory Committee on High-Performance Computing and Communications, Information Technology, and the Next Generation Internet to monitor and give advice concerning the development and implementation of the Next Generation Internet program and report to the President and the Congress on its activities, and for other purposes.

Declares the purposes of this Act to be to: (1) authorize research programs related to high-end computing and computation, human-centered systems, high confidence systems, and education, training, and human resources; and (2) provide for the development and coordination of a comprehensive and integrated U.S. research program which will focus on a computer network infrastructure that promotes interoperability among advanced Federal computer networks, high-speed data access that is economical and that does not impose a geographic penalty, and flexible and extensible networking technology. Amends the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991 to include among its purposes: (1) promoting the more rapid development and wider distribution of networking management and development tools; and (2) promoting the rapid adoption of open network standards.

Directs that the National High-Performance Computing Program provide for: (1) the development of technologies to advance Internet capacity and capabilities; and (2) high-performance testbed networks to enable the research, development, and demonstration of advanced networking technologies and to develop and demonstrate advanced applications.

Authorizes the National Science Foundation, the Departments of Energy, the National Institutes of Health, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (the supporting agencies) to support the Next Generation Internet Program (Program). Includes among Program objectives: (1) increasing Internet capabilities and improving Internet performance; (2) developing an advanced testbed network connecting research sites; and (3) developing advanced Internet applications that meet national goals and agency mission needs.

Directs the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee to assess the extent to which: (1) the Program carries out the purposes of this Act and addresses concerns relating to geographic penalties (costs imposed on Internet users in rural or other locations that are greater than those imposed on users in large population areas or areas closer to network facilities), technology transfer to and from the private sector, and the adequacy of Internet access by historically Black colleges and universities, Hispanic serving institutions, and small colleges and universities; (2) the roles of Federal departments and agencies involved in implementing the Program are clear, complementary, and non-duplicative; and (3) Federal support in fundamental research in computing is sufficient to maintain U.S. leadership in the field. Requires the Advisory Committee to assess Program implementation and report on its findings and recommendations at least annually to the President and specified congressional committees.

Authorizes appropriations to the supporting agencies for FY 1999 and 2000 for the Program.

Directs the Secretary of Commerce to request the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a comprehensive study specified matters relating to the short and long term effects on trademark rights of adding new generic top-level domains and related dispute resolution procedures, including: (1) trademark rights clearance processes for domain names; (2) domain name trademark rights dispute resolution; (3) infringement liability for registrars or technical management bodies; and (4) technical and policy options for Internet addressing schemes. Requires: (1) an interim and final report from the Council to the Secretary; and (2) the submission of such reports to specified congressional committees. Authorizes appropriations for the study.