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2. DOT CODE: 166.267-900

3. AIMS CODE: 1039

4. ONET/SOC CODE: 13-1071-01

5. Occupational Description: Assesses youth job readiness and personal growth goals; assist youth with job search; maintains youth case records; program data and other statistical records. Monitors youth on-the-job performance. Establishes agreements with businesses to provide placement and on-the-job training; establishes agreements with non-profit agencies or post secondary institutions to provide necessary life skills to youth.

6. Term: 3000 - 4000 Hours

The following outlines the on-the-job training for the occupation of Youth Development Practitioner. The suggested related technical instruction which supplements the on-the-job training follows the on-the-job training outline.

Directions: Evaluate the apprentice's competency and skill level using the rating scale below. The numerical ratings of 4, 3, 2 and 1 are not intended to represent the traditional school grading system of A, B, C and D. Ratings should reflect job readiness for each of the competencies rather than a grade given in the class.

Rating Scale:

4 - Skilled can work independently with no supervision
3 - Moderately skilled can perform job completely with limited supervision
2 - Limited Skill - required instruction and close supervision
1 - No Exposure - No Experience or knowledge in this area

 Rating ScaleApprox.
Communicate Professional Knowledge 4 3 2 1 150- 200
  • Apply relevant theory and research about youths' physical, emotional, social and cognitive processes; peer relations and sexuality; and risk and protective measures of youth development
  • Apply basic principles of group work and facilitation, cooperative learning, conflict resolution and behavior management
  • Apply "best practices" from a youth development approach
  • Apply strategies of community consensus-building, mobilization and advocacy


 Rating ScaleApprox.
Communicate with Youth Directly and Through the Expression of Attitude 4 3 2 1 500 - 700
  • Effectively communicate with youth and facilitate discussion both one-on-one and in group settings
  • Demonstrate concern about the well-being of others, interest in feelings and experiences of others; support the self-esteem of others and enjoyment of being with youth
  • Demonstrate a belief in the potential and empowerment of all youth and family members and the ability to identify developmental possibilities amid difficult situations
  • Demonstrate awareness of commonalities and differences (such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, and religion) among youth of diverse backgrounds and appreciation of those of differing talents, sexual orientations, and faith
  • Challenge values and attitudes of youth in a supportive manner; affirm and validate youths' values and ideas
  • Maintain appropriate "boundaries" (such as roles, responsibilities, relationships and confidentiality) with youth
  • Demonstrate knowledge of negotiating skills by addressing youth problems, concerns and interests and arriving at a win-win solution
  • Demonstrate leadership qualities


 Rating ScaleApprox.
Assessment / Individual Planning 4 3 2 1 450 - 600
  • Observe and talk with youth to assess individual goals, interests, concerns and competencies, and to do so with an appreciation of their community context
  • Prepare next steps with youth in achieving individual career goals
  • Select, administer and interpret standardized assessment instruments for assessing individual interests and competencies
  • Track and evaluate participant progress; revise individual service strategy plans, as appropriate, and coordinate necessary resources
  • Demonstrate knowledge of personal money management by assisting youth with setting realistic financial goals and developing a plan to achieve those goals (e.g., spending plan, record of daily expenses, understanding fixed and variable expenses)
  • Demonstrate ability to recognize individual strengths and barriers which may affect career activities
  • Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of usefulness of formal assessments


 Rating ScaleApprox.
Program Design and Delivery 4 3 2 1 550-700
  • Apply "best practices" models to the design, implementation, continuous improvement, and evaluation of organizational programs and practices to make it more effective
  • Initiate, enable, and sustain group interactions and relationships through the completion of an ongoing activity or project
  • Design and implement social and cognitive developmental opportunities for youth e.g., critical thinking skills and reasoning skills
  • Foster and promote multi-cultural understanding
  • Organize and facilitate youth leadership activities including service learning
  • Design and implement life skills classes and workshops on job readiness
  • Assist youth in acquiring positive decision making skills


 Rating ScaleApprox.
Relationship to Community 4 3 2 1 450-600
  • Actively engage family members in program and community initiatives and provide support to them as they nurture the development of their children
  • Maintain relationships and demonstrate working knowledge of other youth provider organizations
  • Demonstrate a willingness to search for and retain information about communities with cultural and economic backgrounds different from their own
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the array, mission and referral processes of community agencies and organizations that serve youth and families


 Rating ScaleApprox.
Administrative Skills 4 3 2 1 150- 200
  • Maintain records (e.g., case notes, program data and other statistical records related to job placement and retention of youth)
  • Demonstrate ability to write effective reports, case studies, notes and letters.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of time management strategies
  • Demonstrate knowledge of team development e.g., identifying roles of team members
  • Demonstrate knowledge and application of appropriate technologies to the task at hand (e.g., specific computer applications, internet)
  • Demonstrate knowledge and application of program objectives


 Rating ScaleApprox.
Workforce Preparation 4 3 2 1 300- 400
  • Assess career interests through the use of appropriate instruments, e.g., interest inventories, personality measure multiple aptitude or achievement batteries, combined instruments
  • Assess job readiness of a youth
  • Conduct career readiness training which includes workshops and courses that cover career topics such as resume writing, interview skills, job hunting job keeping skills, and completion of application.
  • Demonstrate ability to recognize strengths and barriers which may affect career training activities.


 Rating ScaleApprox.
Career Exploration 4 3 2 1 180- 250
  • Assist youth develop Career Development Plan
  • Utilize current labor market information, and other post-secondary information materials which assist youth identify individual preferences and skills
  • Assist youth make informed decisions about future career goals by utilizing computerized career information delivery systems by ensuring that they are knowledgeable in accessing employment placement services, utilize various job search e.g., O*NET, resume computer software and navigating the internet
  • Apply knowledge of education, training and resources that provide information about job functions, salaries, requirements and future outlooks


 Rating ScaleApprox.
Employer Relations 4 3 2 1 150-200
  • Develop job opportunities for youth
  • Create and maintain relationships with the employer
  • Demonstrate conflict resolution skills to resolve problems with employer and/or employee
  • Have working knowledge of employer needs and concerns
  • Establish agreements with private businesses to provide placement or on-the-job training
  • Monitor on the job performance to ensure participants' success in the workplace


 Rating ScaleApprox.
Resource Development 4 3 2 1 120- 150
  • Create and maintain relationships with the educational systems, e.g., secondary, post secondary, youth correctional institutions and others in the education and youth preparation field
  • Conduct community assessments and identify under used resources to assist in providing employment, training and support service resources
  • Assist youth with services available through One-Stop Centers
  • Coordinate employer outreach with other workforce development agencies in the community and utilize employer advisory councils for education and workforce preparation programs
  • Market the youth program to potential customers, their families, and other youth organizations in the community and public




The related instruction outlines the courses that provide the technical ability that supplements the on-the-job training. It is through the combination of both the on-the-job training and the related technical instruction that the apprentice can reach the skilled level of the occupation. Under a registered apprenticeship, 144 hours of related instruction each year of the apprenticeship is recommended. The following is the suggested course curriculum during the term of apprenticeship.


Core SkillsApprox. Hours.
Speech Communication6
Group Work, Group Dynamics16
Motivational Skills6
Youth and Adolescent Growth and Development26
Youth and Adolescent Counseling16
Adolescent Psychology8
Role of the Family5
Multi-Culturalism and Diversity Training20
Health Promotion / Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention6
Youth with Special Needs8
Life Skills4
Service Learning4
Cooperative Learning4
Conflict Resolution/Violence Prevention12
Behavior Management (Stress/Anger Management)8
Training Materials Development10
Knowledge and Interpretation of Assessment Tests4
Community Advocacy Skills7
Conducts and Ethics4
Grief Counseling8
Training on assisting people with Disabilities6
Knowledge of the Youth Legal System5
Problem Solving10
Education and Training5
Modeling Behavior3
Workforce Development Skills
Job Search Skills6
Job Preparation Skills2
Career Readiness Training3
Career Development Process2
Labor Market Information2
Vocational/Career/Educational Testing4
Career Development Plans3
Job Development2
Employer Relations3
Resource Mapping4
Monitoring / Supervision16
History and Structure of Workforce Development System5
Knowledge of Learning Styles7
Confidentiality (Knowledge of Federal, State, Local confidentiality and referral protocols)4
Administrative Skills
Basic Computer Skills9
Maintenance of Youth Case Records3
Case Management6
Data Management Skills4
Time Management Strategies3
Teamwork Skills6
Creating Factual Base and Documenting Results4

Created: October 23, 2006
Updated: January 13, 2009