November 2005 Criminal Enforcement Report

Archive Criminal Enforcement Archive

Durable Medical Equipment

In California, a durable medical equipment (DME) company owner was sentenced to 33 months imprisonment and ordered to pay $170,000 in restitution for health care fraud. Through a highly complicated double-billing scheme, the man received reimbursements totaling 200 percent for power wheelchairs. The DME company owner submitted claims to Medicaid that were previously denied by Medicare. After receiving payment from Medicaid, the man resubmitted claims to Medicare or appealed the original denial, which resulted in the double payment.


In Michigan, a doctor was sentenced to 5 months incarceration, 5 months home detention and ordered to pay $120,000 in restitution for health care fraud. The doctor, who was the owner/operator of a neurology center, routinely billed Medicare, Medicaid and a private insurer for two sleep studies when only one was performed.

Employee Misconduct

In Maryland, a former NIH purchasing agent was ordered to pay $12,000 in restitution for theft of Government property. The 20-year employee used her Government issued credit card to pay for her apartment rent, college tuition for her daughter, and kennel services for her dog. The woman resigned from her position.

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