Audit (A-04-07-01046)

Allowability of Costs Claimed for Reimbursement Under Florida's Bioterrorism and Emergency Preparedness Programs for the Period August 31, 2004, Through August 30, 2006

Executive Summary

Of the $75 million that Florida claimed for Federal reimbursement for bioterrorism and emergency preparedness for the period August 31, 2004, through August 30, 2006, $71,000 was unallowable because the costs were improperly charged or inadequately documented. In addition, approximately $3.6 million may be unallowable because the costs may not be authorized by Florida statutes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides funds to State and major local health departments to improve preparedness and response capabilities for bioterrorism and other public health emergencies.

These deficiencies occurred because the State did not have adequate policies and procedures to ensure that all costs claimed for reimbursement complied with applicable laws, regulations, and program guidance.

We recommended that the State refund $71,000; resolve the approximately $3.6 million in potentially unallowable costs; and improve policies and procedures to ensure that all costs claimed for reimbursement comply with applicable laws, regulations, and program guidance. The State generally agreed with our findings and recommendations and is pursuing the $3.6 million in potentially unallowable costs with the State's Department of Management Services.

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