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 HHS News

May 23, 2005
Contact: ACF Press Office
(202) 401-9215

Head Start Grants to Help Children of Migrant Families Announced

HHS’ Administration for Children and Families today announced the availability of $35 million to serve children of migrant workers in the Head Start program. The grants, which will be available to organizations currently serving children of migrant families, are expected to allow at least an additional 4,000 children to enroll in Head Start.

“President Bush recognizes the need to reach out to underserved populations,” said Wade F. Horn, Ph.D., HHS’ assistant secretary for children and families.  “As part of the President’s management initiative for the Head Start program, he is providing a new opportunity for children of migrant families to receive a quality preschool education and comprehensive services.”

Migrant Head Start programs currently serve more than 33,000 low-income children, part of the over-900,000 children served nationwide in the $6.9 billion program. 

Today’s announced grants will be open for competition between 26 established grantees. The applicants are encouraged to also seek other funding sources and develop partnerships to maximize the quality and quantity of education and services for children.


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Last Updated: May 23, 2005