University of Florida

Solutions in Action: Success Stories from the Field

Solutions in Action are examples of the ways UF/IFAS Extension touches the lives of Floridians. All over the peninsula, we reach people just like you. Find out how we provide solutions every day. You can also view a list of Success Stories by district.

Florida IFAS Extension DistrictsDistricts

District Extension agents across the state are finding sustainable solutions to the issues that affect their communities.  More...

baskets at a farmers' marketSmall Farms Classes

Small farm owners learn marketing and planning skills that help them sell more of their products and services at local farmers’ markets.  More...

handshakeThe Value of Extension

Community partnerships with IFAS help educate Floridians about the importance of agriculture and the environment in the state’s future.  More...

mosquitoBuzz Busters

Members of the public learn how to apply integrated pest management practices to mosquito control.  More...

fruits and vegetablesFamily Nutrition Programs

Learning about good nutrition, food safety, and food management helps families make better choices.  More...

man kayakingMaster Naturalist Program

This program teaches people about the unique ecosystems and ecotourism opportunities around them.  More...

Sunlite PotatoGrowing a Low-carb Potato

UF/IFAS researchers helped develop a low-carb potato that may turn around Florida's potato industry.  More...

dolphinSea Animal Veterinarians

UF/IFAS offers a two-week program that teaches vet students how to care for aquatic animals.  More...

wedding bandsBefore You Tie the Knot

UF/IFAS Extension's marriage preparation class teaches communication, conflict resolution, parenting, and financial planning.  More...

house and yardAgriculture & More!

All Floridians--homeowners, families, gardeners, and the agriculture industry--benefit from IFAS Extension research and expertise.  More...

palm treeFlorida Landscaping

The Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Program teaches how low-maintenance plants can save time, money, and the environment.  More...

healthy meal4-H Nutrition Programs

These nutrition programs teach teens how to make better food choices and prepare healthy meals.  More...

fireworksNew Orange County Office

Expanded facilities and demonstration areas will allow Extension faculty to reach more people.  More...

brazilian pepperBrazilian Pepper Invasion

UF/IFAS provides a non-toxic weapon against this invasive nightmare: its natural enemy, the sawfly.  More...

cockroachSchool Bug Battles

The School IPM program allows schools to reduce bug infestations and pesticide use while saving money.  More...

flamesReducing Wildfire Worries

UF/IFAS and the USDA Forest Service have developed a program to teach homeowners "firewise" landscaping.  More...

colored pencilsDesire Street Academy

When Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans’ Desire Street Academy, Florida 4-H offered the use of the Camp Timpoochee facilities.  More...