OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education
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Up-to-Date with DATE
Important News and Informatin from OVAE's Division of Academic and Technical Education (DATE) May 2007
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Editor: Ellen Kelly-Holland
Correspondents: Barbara Gilbert, Nancy Essey, and Clara Lawson-Holmes

What's inside…

Update on OVAE's Secondary-Postsecondary Regional Institutes

Twenty-four state teams worked to finalize action plans for developing and/or expanding programs of study organized around the career clusters framework. States are at various stages in implementation - from those getting started to those who are fully implementing programs of study in a broad range of career areas. Results of a quick response survey regarding States' implementation of programs of study conducted by the National Association of State Directors of Career and Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc) indicate, "while 38% of states plan to develop programs of study for voluntary local use, 31% of the states will mandate their use." The format followed at the institute included general sessions, panel discussions, concurrent sessions, and facilitated team breakout sessions. A variety of useful resources were provided to each state team, including the Career Clusters Tour Guide Module 2: Implementation, the 81 career pathways, and a state and local self-assessment tool. To view the updated agenda and to register for the July institute in Washington, DC, visit the Web site at

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Resources from OVAE's Data Quality Institute in Savannah

OVAE’s latest Perkins Data Quality Institute (DQI) was held in Savannah, Georgia, from May 17-19, 2007.  State representatives who were unable to attend may request a copy of the Institute notebook from Denise Garland at 202-245-7730 or via email at  Institute materials also may be downloaded from the Peer Collaborative Resource Network Web site at

Update on Perkins IV State Plan Review

DATE staff is continuing their review of Perkins IV State Plan submissions.  All States, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico submitted a one-year transition plan and over 30 States are maintaining separate tech prep programs.   Between now and mid-June, DATE’s Regional Accountability Specialists (RAS’) will be holding final conversations with States on their Perkins IV student definitions and measurement approaches and final negotiations on their Final Agreed Upon Performance Levels (FAUPL).  OVAE Assistant Secretary Troy Justesen will review and provide final approval for State plans and performance levels by June 22nd so that grant awards with the first installment of Perkins IV funds may be issued on schedule on July 2nd (July 1st falls on a Sunday).

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Availability of Individualized Technical Assistance on Accountability

DATE will soon announce the availability of another round of individualized technical assistance for States on Perkins IV accountability.  Technical assistance will be provided through our contractors at MPR Associates, Inc.  Please  think about areas where you may need customized assistance and be on the lookout for further information and application materials. 

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Future Program Spotlights

Future issues of Up-to-Date with DATE will spotlight successful career and technical education initiatives and programs across the country. Ellen Holland, Editor of Up-to-Date with DATE, or her correspondents will contact State career and technical education directors and representatives of national organizations for recommendations on initiatives and programs to spotlight. We hope you will be willing to share!

Looking Ahead: Meetings and Conferences Over the Next Few Months

Event Title/Sponsor


OVAE Contact Person

Career Clusters Institute –National Association for State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium

Phoenix, AZ
June 11-13, 2007

2nd National Secondary-Postsecondary Institute: From High School to College: Strengthening Secondary-Postsecondary Transitions Using Programs of Study Organized Around the Career Clusters – OVAE

Washington, DC
July 16-18, 2007

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Last Modified: 10/16/2007