University of Florida

Lawn & Garden

Florida gardening presents unique challenges, so we offer research-based assistance, information, and advice. Whether you are developing a vegetable garden, choosing landscape plants, or seeking information about lawn care, our resources will help you make your yard green and beautiful.

To find out what Extension services are available in your area or to get personal assistance, please contact your county Extension office.

basilHerbs for Fall

Fall is the perfect time to plant a number of herbs. Start here for help on your Fall herb garden. More...

fire antFire Ants!

These invasive insects are notorious for their painful, burning stings that result in pustules and intense itching. More...

mulchLawns for Winter Color

In many parts of Florida, permanent lawngrasses go dormant in the late fall and early winter. More...

fireLandscaping with Fire in Mind

Drought conditions increase the risk of wildfire. Learn how to reduce the threat to your home and property. More...

frostCold Protection of Plants

When temperatures dip below freezing, you need to take special measures to protect your ornamental plants. More...