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Other Products/Videos

The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) provides videos and other resources designed to inform and assist victim service providers and allied professionals in their efforts to respond to crime victims.

Many of these educational products have received special recognition (see Award Winners and Award Information). These products are available for online ordering from the NCJRS Web site. Product summaries of past products that are not available for ordering can be read online under Archived Products/Videos.

Product Summaries

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For additional inquiries AskOVC or contact OVCRC at 1-800-851-3420.

After the Robbery: Crisis to Resolution (video) (October 1996)

After the Robbery: Crisis to Resolution (video) (October 1996)
This 20-minute video (NCJ 162842) traces a robbery from crisis to resolution and is designed to help bank robbery victims cope with the emotional trauma of victimization and to inform victims about the criminal justice process. A discussion guide accompanies this video. Order this product online

Cover of DNA: Critical Issues for Those Who Work With Victims.

DNA: Critical Issues for Those Who Work With Victims (April 2007)
This 24-minute DVD (NCJ 211970) raises awareness for victim advocates, criminal justice practitioners, and others who work with crime victims about the issues involved for those whose cases involve DNA evidence. The video highlights issues such as collection and preservation of evidence, the crime's impact on the victim, victim notification at points along the process, and victim involvement and participation in the process.
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(F.A.S.T.) Financial Abuse Specialist Team Video (May 2003) cover
(F.A.S.T.) Financial Abuse Specialist Team Video (May 2003)
This 30-minute video (NCJ 198153) highlights financial crime against the elderly and features the work of Santa Clara County's Department of Aging and Adult Services, which created a Financial Abuse Specialist Team (F.A.S.T.) that has been nationally recognized for its work fighting elder financial abuse. The video educates viewers on all aspects of elder financial fraud and serves as a template for agencies interested in creating a F.A.S.T. team in their own communities.
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Faith-Based Responses to Crime Victims

new iconFaith-Based Responses to Crime Victims (April 2008)
This 30-minute DVD (NCJ 216616) provides the faith community and the victim services field with examples of successful partnerships that are making a difference in victims' lives throughout the Nation. These promising practices are intended to inspire the two communities to collaborate effectively to expand their victim service networks.
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First Response to Victims of Crime

new iconFirst Response to Victims of Crime (April 2008)
This educational multimedia package, produced by the National Sheriffs' Association, looks at the impact of crime on victims and describes steps that law enforcement can take, as first responders, to meet victims' needs. Among the types of victimizations covered are sexual assault, drunk driving, homicide, human trafficking, and mass casualties. The special needs of older victims, child victims, immigrants, and victims with disabilities are addressed as well. This 30-minute video is available in DVD (NCJ 211619) and VHS (NCJ 211618). A companion guidebook (PDF 470 kb) (NCJ 217272) is also available.
Order the DVD.
Order the VHS.
Order the guidebook.
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Listen to My Story: Communicating With Victims of Crime cover
Listen to My Story: Communicating With Victims of Crime (September 2005)
This 13 1/2-minute video (NCJ 195655) highlights the "ABCs" of communicating with victims, including helping victims regain control, listening with compassion, understanding the impact of trauma, building trust, and knowing communication barriers. A discussion guide (337 kb PDF) accompanies this video.
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Meeting the Needs of Underserved Victims cover
Meeting the Needs of Underserved Victims (September 2005)
This 13-minute video (NCJ 195656) offers insights into the challenges encountered by underserved victims in accessing and service providers in providing comprehensive victim services. The video focuses on five underserved populations: those who are deaf or hard of hearing, American Indians, urban at-risk youth, immigrant women migrant workers, and individuals who have physical disabilities. A discussion guide (401 kb PDF) accompanies this video.
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New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century-Strategies for Implementation Tools for Action Guide (February 2000)

New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century—Strategies for Implementation Tools for Action Guide (February 2000)
HTML, ASCII, or PDF Versions
The Strategies for Implementation—Tools for Action Guide (NCJ 179558) provides valuable resources for implementing the recommendations, ideas, and promising practices contained in New Directions from the Field: Victims' Rights and Services for the 21st Century.
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The News Media's Coverage of Crime and Victimization (video) (February 2000)

The News Media's Coverage of Crime and Victimization (video) (February 2000)
The news media provide a necessary and invaluable public service, but their work can often result in the painful revictimization of victims. This 26-minute video (NCJ 178239) explores how the news media tend to cover crime and victimization, what can be done to help victims effectively deal with sometimes insensitive coverage, and how victim service providers can work together with members of the media to promote timely, sensitive media coverage.
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Recovering From Your Crime-Related Injuries (April 2006)

Recovering From Your Crime-Related Injuries (April 2006)
This 12 minute DVD (NCJ 213709) is a component of A Multimedia Program for Physically Injured Crime Victims. The DVD provides seriously injured crime victims with general information about the criminal justice system and strategies to cope with the negative emotions that often accompany victimization.
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This DVD also is available with Spanish subtitles (NCJ 215732).
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Responding to Victims of Human Trafficking--A Training Video for Victim Service Providers

new iconResponding to Victims of Human Trafficking-A Training Video for Victim Service Providers (April 2008)
This 20-minute DVD (NCJ 219179), produced with the assistance of Safe Horizon, addresses the need for the victim services field to work in partnership with those who provide services to immigrants and with other allied practitioners to better serve victims of human trafficking. It was designed to help traditional victim service providers expand their skills and resources to meet the needs of trafficking victims. A component of this DVD is a guide that provides resources for information about what defines human trafficking and the response to this crime by the U.S. Government, the international community, and nongovernmental entities.
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Serving Crime Victims With Disabilities cover.

Link to Awards pageServing Crime Victims With Disabilities (April 2007)
This DVD (NCJ 213366) presents two popular award-winning videos, "Meet Us Where We Are" and "The Time Is Now," originally produced in December 2002 and no longer available in VHS form. "The Time Is Now" helps crime victim service providers reach out and serve people with disabilities. "Meet Us Where We Are," which presents first person accounts of how crime affects people with disabilities, educates disability service providers and people with disabilities about crime victims' rights and resources.
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Sexual Assault Response Teams: Partnering for Success

Sexual Assault Response Teams: Partnering for Success (April 2006)
This 7 ½-minute DVD (NCJ 209842) provides a history and context of the multidisciplinary response to sexual assault. Developed by the Minneapolis Medical Research Foundation, the DVD describes the positive benefits of a collaborative response to victims of sexual violence, highlights the progress the field has made in serving victims, and addresses several emerging issues facing first responders and the ways in which those challenges continue to shape the response of sexual assault response teams.
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Substance Abuse and Victimization cover

Substance Abuse and Victimization (September 2005)
This 28-minute video (NCJ 204552) explores the correlations between substance abuse and previctimization and postvictimization. It looks at aspects of the trauma of victimization and substance abuse and discusses the type of assistance victims may need. A discussion guide (258 kb PDF) accompanies this video.
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Victim Impact: Listen and Learn (video) (April 2005)

Victim Impact: Listen and Learn (video) (August 2005)
This 57-minute DVD (NCJ 202905) features the first-person accounts of 14 men and women who share their experiences as crime victims and the ripple effect that victimization can have on family members and the community at large. It is an effective training resource for victim service providers seeking to improve their understanding of the physical, emotional, financial, and psychological effects of crime. It is also available on video cassette (NCJ 202904).
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Victims of Crime--A Social Work Response: Building Skills To Strengthen Survivors

Victims of Crime-A Social Work Response: Building Skills To Strengthen Survivors (April 2006)
Social workers and students can learn about crime victim assistance and victims' rights and services by accessing this new kit of training materials. Materials include trainer and participant manuals, a discussion guide, and other resources.

Victims of Trafficking: Far From Home and Helpless (video) (August 2000)

Victims of Trafficking: Far From Home and Helpless (video) (August 2000)
This 17.5-minute video (NCJ 182334) examines trafficking by providing an introduction to the issues and case studies of victims of forced prostitution, forced labor, and indentured servitude. In addition, the video examines victim referral services. Developed to educate victim service providers and federal law enforcement personnel about the problems associated with trafficking and slavery, the video describes what forms trafficking can take, how to recognize the victims, and how to treat the victims. Furthermore, the video highlights the importance of agency partnerships, caring for victims, and developing a case against a defendant.

Victims with Disabilities: The Forensic Interview--Techniques for Interviewing Victims with Communication and/or Cognitive Disabilities.

Victims with Disabilities: The Forensic Interview-Techniques for Interviewing Victims with Communication and/or Cognitive Disabilities (April 2007)
This 57-minute DVD (NCJ 212894) provides a specific set of guidelines for law enforcement officers, prosecutors, victim advocates, forensic interviewers, and others for interviewing adults and children with communication and/or cognitive disabilities. An interactive companion discussion guide (PDF 831 kb) including a complete transcript of the DVD and a glossary of terms and concepts used in the film is also available.
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Voices of Victims Series cover

Voices of Victims (October 2006)
The Voices of Victims video series is a five-tape collection designed to educate criminal justice and social service professionals and the general public about victims' rights. Through these videos, you will discover information about the need for a constitutional amendment; financial assistance for victims of crime; victims' dealings with criminal justice professionals; victim notification rights; and the unique issues encountered in Indian Country. Tapes in the Voices
of Victims
series are Financial Considerations (NCJ
213806), Notice and Basic Case Information (NCJ 213807), Constitutional Amendment: Balancing the Scales (NCJ 213808), Criminal Justice Professionals (NCJ 213809) and American Indian Issues and the Tribal and Criminal
Justice Systems
(NCJ 213810).
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This document was last updated on December 23, 2008