Voxel Counter

Author: Wayne Rasband (wsr at nih.gov)
History: 2002/01/11: First vesion
2002/01/28: Works with binary stacks
2002/08/19: Volume fraction based on ROI
2006/05/11: Measures volume in real-world units (e.g., mm^3)
Source: Voxel_Counter.java
Installation: Download Voxel_Counter.class to the plugins folder and restart ImageJ.
Description: This plugin Counts the thresholded voxels in a stack and displays the count, the average count per slice and the volume fraction (ratio of thresholded voxels to all voxels). Before running, threshold the stack using Image/Adjust/Threshold. With binary stacks, it counts black voxels and displays the volume fraction.

The following summary information is provided:

  • Thresholded voxels - count of thresolded voxels inside ROI,
  • Average voxels per slice - average number of thresolded voxels per slice
  • Total ROI voxels - count of all voxels within ROI
  • Volume fraction - 100*(Thresolded voxels)/(Total ROI voxels)
  • Voxels in stack - number of voxels in stack. With no ROI, this is the same as "Total voxels".
Note that the Analyze/Histogram command in ImageJ 1.33 or later also counts thresholded voxels when "Limit to Threshold" is checked in Analyze/Set Measurements.

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