University of Florida


With an annual impact of $70 billion, agriculture is vital to the state of Florida. We provide relevant and timely resources to food producers and others who need information about Florida agriculture.

To find out what Extension services are available in your area or to get personal assistance, please contact your county Extension office.

citrus and coldCitrus and Cold Weather

Use these articles to help you manage citrus fruit in the cold: from pruning and irrigation to storage. More...

Best Management PracticesBest Management Practices

Due to a state-wide effort to reduce pollution of Florida's waters, best management practices, or BMPs, are the future of agriculture in Florida. More...

whiteflyExclusion Methods for Managing Greenhouse Vegetable Pests

Use these techniques to keep invaders such as whiteflies--and the viruses they carry--out of your greenhouses. More...

bucket of blueberriesAlternative Farm Enterprises

Increase your farm's income by offering unique opportunities in ecotourism and other alternative enterprises. More...

citrus greeningCombatting Citrus Greening

For the latest information about this serious disease, watch the Greening Summit 2008 presentations. More...

mosquitoAvoiding West Nile Virus

West Nile virus (WNV) is carried by mosquitoes. If transmitted to humans, it can cause severe encephalitis. More...