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NIPSCO Winter Warmth Program Approved by IURC

On December 16, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) approved Northern Indiana Public Service Company’s (NIPSCO) $5.7 million Winter Warmth energy assistance program. The one-year pilot program will assist qualifying low-income NIPSCO natural gas customers with the payment of delinquent utility bills and natural gas deposits. The program will begin immediately.

To be eligible, a customer must either qualify for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) or otherwise have a financial hardship situation as determined by an administering Winter Warmth agency. Customers can apply for the program at energy assistance agencies located across NIPSCO’s northern Indiana service area.

Qualifying customers can receive up to $400 in annual energy assistance from the Winter Warmth program that can be applied to both the payment of delinquent utility bills and natural gas deposits. Also, NIPSCO will limit natural gas deposit payments for LIHEAP eligible customers to $150 and $300 for other non-LIHEAP eligible customers determined to have a financial hardship.

The program will be funded by $700,000 from NIPSCO and through a small monthly charge included in residential, commercial and industrial natural gas customers’ bills. An average NIPSCO residential natural gas customer will pay approximately $0.50 per month for the program.

Source: Munster Times, Indiana

Page Last Updated: December 7, 2005