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Weapons of Mass Destruction

This section is primarily for researchers and scientists who study the impact and defense of WMD, including proliferation prevention, disarmament, and weapons destruction. Topics include chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive weapons, materials, and devices.
Courses & Programs

Biodefense: Risk, Reality, and Solutions (Online Training)
Provider: New York Academy of Sciences

Chemical & Biological Terrorism for Security Professionals
Dates: Contact Craig Gundry at for date availability
Provider: S2 Safety & Intelligence Institute

The History of Bioterrorism (online video training course)
Provider: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Emergency Preparedness & Response

How to Deal with New WMD Scenarios
Date(s) 2008: November 13�
Provider: Homeland Defense Journal

Mail Center Safety & Security Workshop
Date(s) 2008: December 11
Provider: Homeland Defense Journal

Mining Engineering Degree with Explosives Engineering Emphasis (Undergraduate Degree)
Provider: Department of Mining Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla

National Response Framework, An Introduction (Online Course)
Provider: Emergency Management Institute

Public Information in WMD/Terrorism Incident
Dates (2009): February 24�
Provider: State of Missouri Emergency Management Agency

Public Safety WMD Response桽ampling Techniques and Guidelines (PDF)
Dates: Contact 877-829-5770 or to schedule a course
Provider: National Center for Biomedical Research and Training

WMD and the Intelligence Function
Dates: Contact Craig Gundry at for date availability
Provider: S2 Safety & Intelligence Institute

WMD Awareness for the Healthcare Professional (PDF)
Dates: Contact 877-829-5770 or to schedule a course
Provider: National Center for Biomedical Research and Training

WMD Tactical Commanders (PDF)
Dates: Contact 877-829-5770 or to schedule a course
Provider: National Center for Biomedical Research and Training


Providers of Onsite Training & Assistance

American Biological Safety Association

Defense Academics

Energetic Materials Research & Testing Center (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)

Integrative Center for Homeland Security, Texas A&M University

Law Enforcement Training Database (Bureau of Justice Assistance)

Office for Domestic Preparedness (Homeland Security Preparedness Technical Assistance Program)

Center for Advancing Microbial Risk Assessment


Related Resources

Arson & Explosives National Repository (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms)

Bioterror (Companion web site of "Bioterror," Public Broadcasting Service)

BombSecurity.Com Information and Training Resources

Center for the Study of Bioterrorism & Emerging Infections (St. Louis University)

Dirty Bomb (Companion web site of "Dirty Bomb," Public Broadcasting Service)

Emergency Preparedness & Response (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Energy.Gov (U.S. Department of Energy)

International Association for Intelligence Education

Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education: Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases

Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams (The National Guard)