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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Topical Resources

Terrorism/Counter-Terrorism Web Links

Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English providing information on terrorism/counter-terrorism. For more information on specific regions, see Regional Resources. In the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York and Washington, D.C., we have added the category of General Resources as well as adding related web sites to existing categories.

These links complement the following USIP Special Reports:

  1. How Terrorism Ends
  2. Options for Prosecuting International Terrorists
  3. The Diplomacy of Counterterrorism: Lessons Learned, Ignored and Disputed
  4. Global Terrorism after the Iraq War
  5. Terrorism in the Horn of Africa
  6. www.terror.net: How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet
  7. Cyberterrorism: How Real Is the Threat?
  8. U.S.-China Cooperation on the Problem of Failing States and Transnational Threats
  9. Who Are the Insurgents? Sunni Arab Rebels in Iraq

These links also support the Teaching Guide on International Terrorism: Definitions, Causes and Responses produced by the Institute's Education Program.

General Resources

Government Agencies and International Organizations


  • Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    The home page of the web site features sections on terrorism and the Israeli response. A search on "terrorism" as a keyword yields, among other documents, the full text of addresses, speeches, and interviews of Israeli leaders, as well as United Nations Security Council and General Assembly resolutions on international terrorism.

United Kingdom

United Nations

United States

Political Organizations

  • Fateh Organization Website
    Fateh is the largest faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the largest political party in the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). Founded as an armed group to battle Israel, the organization and its head, Yasser Arafat, have become leaders in the Palestinian community advocating a negotiated solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. The organization's web site includes some items in English, such as editorials, statements, publications, and related links.
  • Palestinian National Authority (PNA)
    The Palestinian National Authority governs the Palestinian autonomous areas established under the Oslo Accords or Declaration of Principles of September 1993, and conducts international negotiations on behalf of Palestinians. This web site includes documents (reports, press releases, commentary and editorials), maps, and contains sections on the Peace Process, International Relations, Palestine and UN, On the Ground, Building the State, and Government. Links to the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Sinn Fein
    Sinn Fein is widely regarded to be the political wing of the Irish Republican Army, and Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams was a party to the negotiations which resulted in the Good Friday Accords of April 1998. The party's web site describes Sinn Fein's objectives, includes official documents and press releases, links to documents on the peace talks, election information, related web sites and a political weekly newspaper An Phlobacht/Republican News.

Research Studies and Projects

Selected Documents and Publications


Updated: July 21, 2005
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