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The Global Invasive Species Team... part of The Nature Conservancy's response to abating the damage caused to native biodiversity by the human-facilitated introduction of non-native, harmful invasive species. This web site provides many resources designed to help all conservationists deal most effectively with invasive species.

New Web Site Resources

Recent Site Additions (less than about 6 months old)
Invasipedia launched! (January 2009) 
Sandy River Riparian Habitat Protection Project 2008 (January 2009) 
Oregon knotweed brochure (January 2009) 
Terrestrial Invasive Plants of the Potomac River Watershed pamphlet (August 2008) 
Stop the Invasion booklet (free!) (June 2008) 

Alive! It is ALIVE!
Invasipedia Launched!
Our fine web site contains many very useful, important documents on invasive species control. However, these documents are static and increasingly old; some are very much out of date.

As a bold experiment, we have launched an invasive species wiki to keep these documents up to date. If you are an expert on some species of plant invader (either an academic or field worker), and would like to help, please help update, refresh, and expand our content. The wiki approach is an exciting and interesting way to keep our documents up to date, based upon your expertise! Very exciting, don't you think?
See Invasipedia for yourself at!

Applying Australia's Weed Risk Assessment Tool to North American Borders
TNC's Doria Gordon recently copublished an article on her work comparing the accuracy of the Australian plant screening tool across all the geographies in which it has now been tested. Across all the studies, the most invasive plant species were correctly identified 90% of the time. Non-invaders were correctly identified over 70% of the time. This tool could be incorporated into the US plant quarantine law, which is currently being revised by USDA, and could also potentially be implemented at state scales.
Gordon et al. 2008 (Diversity and Distributions 14: 234-242)
Gordon & Gantz 2008 (Conservation Letters 1: 227-235)
Gordon et al. 2008 (Invasive Plant Science and Management 1: 178-195)
Radio interview with Doria Gordon
Annotated presention about the tool (by Mary Travaglini, TNC-MD/DC)

Don't move Firewood
Did you know that the transportation of firewood is one of the leading ways that pests and pathogens spread from forest to forest? The Nature Conservancy does, and that has led to the creation of the "Don't move firewood" web site. Of course, just about everyone agrees that its videos are the soul of this web site. Watch in horror as the surprisingly amiable emerald ash borer sneaks along on camping trips, view the exposé of the borer's past, and even learn about its dating habits. Very...campy.

Selected TNC Projects

The Conservancy's efforts to remove invasive tamarisk along the Muddy River near Las Vegas appear to be improving habitat for breeding birds. Volunteers surveyed the river and discovered many bird species--including phainopeplas, Abert's towhees and lazuli buntings--breeding in the river corridor. Tamarisk poses great threats to the river and its banks, which are home to four native fish species, seven rare invertebrates and many rare birds.

South Dakota
The Conservancy and South Dakota State University, through the Prairie Coteau Habitat Partnership, began monitoring the effects of prescribed fire on habitat and forage quality in South Dakota's Prairie Coteau region. The information will be shared with landowners to demonstrate that keeping grasslands healthy through the use of prescribed fire can also have a positive economic effect by reducing expenses for weed control and improving cattle health. Most of the region's grasslands are privately owned, making landowner involvement in conservation vital.

This summer, the Conservnacy launched the first phase of a large-scale, 10-year effort to restore habitat at the Scott M. Matheson Wetlands Preserve. The preserve is part of the largest wetland ecosystem in Utah's Colorado River corridor and is home to hundreds of species of migratory birds, amphibians and aquatic mammals. The Conservancy began by removing roughly 70 acres of tamarisk and, in subsequent years, will remove dikes and invasive species, conduct controlled burns, and replant native vegetation.

More projects...
Featured Web Site Attractions

The cactus moth invades Mexican offshore islands!
Cactoblastis cactorum, the biocontrol moth that has been used with such success in Australia and South Africa, is established in North America and the Caribbean. But now it has been discovered on Isla Mujeres (Mexico), a mere 15 km from the mainland. The arrival of this moth in Mexico would have terrible consequences to native Opuntia, the ecosystems it occupies, and the Mexican economic sectors that depend upon it.
Learn more:
Interview with John Randall
Our Gallery of Pests profile
NPR Story
Invasives alert

Weed Control Methods Handbook
This popular handbook provides detailed information on the use of manual and mechanical techniques, grazing, prescribed fire, biocontrol, and herbicides, to help you control undesirable invasive plants. Now it is even better than ever, since several chapters have been updated and a NEW chapter on those-ever mysterious "herbicide adjuvants" has been added. You can download individual chapters, or the entire handbook in a single zipped file!
Peruse the handbook

Weeds Information Management System v. 3
The very popular Weeds Information Management System (WIMS 3) is a Microsoft Access-based relational database application designed to assist natural resource managers in managing their weed-related information. This updated version is compatible with both ArcPad 6 and 7, has several new features to aid in the collection and maintenance of weed mapping and management data, and is available here for free! New and updated training documents are also available!
Learn about WIMS 3

Rod Randall's Weed Database
The Global Invasive Species Team is proud to host the enormous database of invasive species information accumulated by Rod Randall. This database includes many citations of plants acting as invasive species in wildlands. If you are curious to learn if a plant is a weed someplace, Rod's database is a great place to start your search
Learn more about this resource!

Management Library
Do you have a specific invasive you are trying to control? Here is where you will find many documents that tell you how to deal with specific organisms. (These are also the links to follow if you seek the species management summaries called "ESAs.")
The management library---Plants
The management library---Animals and pathogens

Remote Sensing and Invasive Species
Remote sensing is all the buzz. Fans tell you that it will solve all your problems; detractors say that it is an expensive waste of time. What is the Truth? To help you find out for yourself, the GIST's own Barry Rice has written an primer on remote sensing. More of an introduction to concepts than a detailed guide, it includes a useful glossary, review of the science involved in remote sensing, and thumbnail descriptions of the major remote sensing satellites. If this is well-received, GIST will be expanding its remote sensing coverage with additional content such as reviews of remote sensing projects, and a bibliography, and more.
Learn about remote sensing

Gallery of Pests
Profiles of more than thirty pests and pathogens that are threatening the native forests of North America. From entrenched invasives to new arrivals, and even a few that have apparently been extirpated, they are all here. Are you confused about the differences between the balsam woolly adegid and hemlock woolly adelgid? Or the European oak bark beetle vs. the European spruce beetle? You need look no further than the Gallery! And if we missed some favorite pest, contact us and we will take your suggestions (But beware! We may try to convince you to help us write a blurb about it).
Read the Gallery

Updated January 2009
©The Nature Conservancy, 2005