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Research and Data in Telecommunications

A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use of the Internet.
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Economics and Statistics Administration, February 2002.
This report is based on the September 2001 U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey—a survey of approximately 57,000 households and more than 137,000 individuals across the United States. As such, the data in this study are among the most broad-based and reliable data sets that have been gathered on Internet, broadband, and computer connectivity. The report is available from the NTIA Web site in HTML, PDF, and Word formats.

Information Age Appalachia: A Rural Digital Divide Program.
ARC, November 2001. (PDF format)
This report describes the framework within which ARC and its partners are working to expand and improve telecommunications services in the Appalachian Region.

Links to the Future: The Role of Information and Telecommunications Technology in Appalachian Economic Development.
Michael Oden and Sharon Strover, University of Texas, June 2002. This report documents the status of information, computing, and telecommunications technologies in the Appalachian Region, assessing their potential relationship to economic growth and the range of federal, state, and local policies that influence their development. This work is based on in-depth field research and telephone interviews; analysis of primary, archival, and secondary documents; and Web-based investigations to gather and analyze data.

Digital Divide Network
This web site offers a range of information, tools, and resources that can help practitioners stay on top of digital divide developments. The network looks at the causes and effects of the divide from four distinct angles: technology access, literacy and learning, content, and economic development. In each of these areas, particular attention is paid to the role of local individuals and organizations in bridging the divide.

Understanding Broadband Demand—A Review of Critical Issues
The Office of Technology Policy at the US Department of Commerce recently released this report, which examines the demand side of broadband service and suggests that lack of demand is a main driver in acceptance of broadband service offerings. The report recognizes that supply-side issues still exist but notes that demand-side factors are critical to determine the pace at which broadband is adopted and merits greater attention.
Download the report from the Technology Administration's Web site.

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