Indicators of Welfare Dependence

Annual Report to Congress

March 2001

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Prepared by Staff of the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

For on-line versions of this report (and previous annual reports)
see the Office of Human Services Policy's web page on the Indicators Reports:

Obtaining a Printed Copy of Report


Executive Summary


Chapter I:  Introduction and Overview

Chapter II:  Indicators of Dependence

  1. Degree of Dependence
  2. Receipt of Means-Tested Assistance and Labor Force Attachment
  3. Rates of Receipt of Means-Tested Assistance
  4. Rates of Participation in Means-Tested Assistance Programs
  5. Multiple Program Receipt
  6. Dependence Transitions
  7. Dependence Spell Duration
  8. Program Spell Duration
  9. Long-Term Dependency
  10. Long-Term Receipt
  11. Events Associated with the Beginning and Ending of Program Spells

Chapter III:  Predictors and Risk Factors Associated with Welfare Receipt

Appendix A:  Program Data

Appendix B:  Alternative Definition of Dependence Based on Income from AFDC/TANF and Food Stamps

Appendix C:  Additional Non-Marital Birth Data

Appendix D:  Sources of Data

List of Exhibits

Microsoft Word version of report (contains raw data for tables)


Contributors to this report include Gil Crouse, Susan Hauan, Julia Isaacs, and Matt Lyon of the Office of Human Services Policy under the direction of Barbara Broman, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Services Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.

Obtaining a Printed Copy of This Report

Send the report title and your name and address by mail or fax to [and we will mail you a copy]:

Office of Human Services Policy, Room 404E
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
200 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
Fax:  202-690-6562

You may print a copy of this report on your local printer with these instructions.

Where to?

Top of Page
Table of Contents of Report
Executive Summary
Indicators of Dependence
Predictors and Risk Factors Associated with Welfare Receipt
Appendix A:  Program Data
Appendix B:  Alternative Definition of Dependence
Appendix C:  Additional Non-Marital Birth Data
Appendix D:  Sources of Data

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Last updated August 22, 2001