Administration for Children and Families

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

Child Abuse and Neglect PreventionChild abuse and neglect prevention services are funded through the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). ACF provides funds and technical assistance to assist States in meeting their responsibilities for prevention and intervention in cases of child abuse and neglect.

Child abuse and neglect prevention grants include:

• Community-based family resource and support grants, which provide funds to statewide networks of local child abuse and neglect prevention and family resource programs; and

• CAPTA State grants, which provide assistance for developing, strengthening and implementing child abuse and neglect prevention and treatment programs.

ACF’s Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention programs also include research and demonstration projects, which support research on the causes, prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect to identify the best means of preventing maltreatment and treating troubled families.

Federal funding is awarded to States, Territories and Federally recognized Indian Tribes as well as community-based organizations.

Contact Information:

Children's Bureau
Administration on Children,
Youth and Families
Portals Building
1250 Maryland Ave., S.W.
Washington , D.C. 20024
Telephone: 202-205-8618
Fax: 202-205-9721


child abuse; child neglect; family resources.



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