United States Department of Health & Human Services

ALL ABOUT the Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy (DALTCP)

DALTCP & Its Divisions | DALTCP Staff List | DALTCP Website Awards

DALTCP & Its Divisions

The Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy is responsible for the development of financing and service organization/delivery policy--including planning, policy and budget analysis, review of regulations and formulation of legislation--and for the development and coordination of research and evaluation on issues related to disability, aging, and long-term care policy. In these matters, the Office works closely with other offices within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Administration on Aging (AoA), the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), other Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) components, and other federal agencies and private sector partners.

Division of Disability and Aging Policy

The Division of Disability and Aging Policy is ASPE’s lead office with responsibility for coordination, policy development, research and evaluation of HHS policies and programs focusing on people with disabilities (including the Developmental Disabilities Act) and for older Americans. Aging activities related to the Older Americans Act are carried out in coordination with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Aging. This includes measuring and evaluating the impact of all programs authorized by the Older Americans Act. The division is also responsible for supporting the development and coordination of crosscutting disability and aging data and policies within the Department and in other Federal agencies whose actions affect the health, economic and social well-being of people with disabilities and elderly populations. The division is responsible for assessing the interaction between health, disability, and the economic well-being of people of all ages with disabilities including the prevalence of disability and disabling conditions, socio-demographic characteristics, service use, income, employment, and program participation patterns, and for coordinating the development of disability data and policies which are responsible to the characteristics, circumstances and needs of disabled populations. The division’s responsibilities include long-range planning, budget and economic analysis, program analysis, review of regulations and reports on legislation, review and conduct of research and evaluation activities, and information dissemination.

Division of Long-Term Care Policy

The Division of Long-Term Care Policy is responsible for DALTCP’s development and coordination of a comprehensive research, information, and analytical program to gain basic information to achieve Departmental objectives in the areas of long-term care and disability services and financing. The division is the focal point for policy development and analysis related to the disability, aging, and long-term care services components of Medicare, Medicaid, including nursing facility services, community residential services, personal assistance services, home health and rehabilitation services, and the integration of acute, post-acute and long-term care services. The division’s responsibilities include coordinating and managing long-range planning, budget and economic analysis, program analysis, development of long-term care data and modeling, review of regulations and reports on legislation, review and conduct of research and evaluation activities, and information dissemination. In carrying out these responsibilities, the division coordinates closely with other ASPE and other HHS offices.

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Below is a list of staff within the Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy and the issues they work on.


Deputy Assistant Secretary


Deputy to the Deputy Assistant Secretary


Director, Division of Disability and Aging Policy
Disability & Aging Demography, Disability Measurement, Long-Term Care Demand Modeling, Research Methodology & Evaluation


Director, Division of Long-Term Care Policy
Assisted Living & Other Residential Services for the Elderly & Persons with Disabilities; Home & Community-Based Services (i.e., Nursing Home Transitions, Assisted Living & Other Residential Services, 1915(c) Waivers); Children with Disabilities; Long-Term Care for Persons with HIV/AIDS



Mental Health, particularly Serious Mental Illness & Disability; Medicaid & Mental Health; Consumer-Direction, including Comparative International Approaches; Integration of Primary Care & Behavioral Health; Children's Mental Health


Demography of Aging & Disability; Research Design & Evaluation Methods; Demographic & Statistical Estimation & Modeling; Data Policy; Quality Improvement Organizations; Home Health, Assistive Devices


Administrative Support


Administrative Support


Home & Community-Based Services, including State Organization, Consumer-Directed Services, Client Assessment & Case Management; Informal Caregiving; Comparisons of Long-Term Care Systems in Other Countries; Long-Term Care Insurance


Microsimulation Modeling; Nursing Home Spend-Down; Cost Estimating; Medicaid Data Analysis; Disability Survey Analysis; Data Policy


Health Information Technology in Long-Term Care; Post-Acute Assessment; Nursing Home Policy, including Long-Term Care & Post-Acute Care


Long-Term Care Insurance, Outreach & Awareness; Long-Term Care Partnership; Managed Care & Disability; Integration of Acute & Long-Term Care; Medicare & Insurance Issues for the Elderly & Persons with Disabilities; Durable Medical Equipment & Wheelchairs


End-of-Life Care; Advance Directives; Hospice Financing & Delivery


Nursing Homes; Rehabilitation; Long-Term Care Financing & Quality; Residential Alternatives; Post-Acute Care


1115 Waiver Review; Residential Alternatives including Assisted Living; Direct Care Workforce; Medicaid; Administration on Aging Issues


Long-Term Care Insurance; Long-Term Care Awareness & Outreach; Health Information Technology in Long-Term Care


Long-Term Care Workforce in Nursing Homes, Post-Acute Care, Home Health & Other Community-Based Settings; Medicare; Medicaid; Long-Term Care Quality; Statistical Estimation & Modeling, Research Design & Evaluation Methods


Administrative Support


Health Promotion & Prevention for the Elderly & Persons with Disabilities; Falls Prevention; Workforce Barriers for the Elderly & Persons with Disabilities; Elder Abuse; New Freedom Initiative; Policies Related to Children with Disabilities; Autism

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Website Awards

DALTCP has received the following awards for its website.

Logo for the Lightspan/Study Web Academic Excellence Award

June 1999
February 2001

Selected as a featured site in StudyWeb as one of the best educational resources on the web by its Researchers. StudyWeb is one of the Internet's sites for educational resources for students and teachers.

Last revised: March 26, 2007

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