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8 records match your search on "State Data" - Showing 1 to 8

Gateway to Data and Statistical Resources  (Website)

The Gateway is a web-based tool for finding key health and human services data and statistics. It is designed to complement other government resources such as FirstGov and FedStats. The Gateway covers federal, state, and local government sponsored information.

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


Families on TANF in South Carolina:  (Report)
Employment Assets and Liabilities

Author(s):  Marilyn Edelhoch, Qiduan Liu, Philip Richardson, Susan LaFever

Organization(s):  South Carolina Department of Social Services and MAXIMUS

This report presents findings on the characteristics and employment barriers of families receiving TANF benefits in South Carolina's Family Independence (FI) Program. The study included in-depth telephone interviews with 1,120 case heads of families receiving TANF benefits in South Carolina during June 2002, in a research design stratified to include recipients who had received exemptions from work requirements and recipients who had been granted extensions of the time limits, as well as recipients "mandatory to work" without an exemption or time-limit extension. Administrative records data were also compiled from the TANF and food stamp histories of the families in the sample. Finally, to examine health barriers, information was gathered on hospital emergency department visits and hospitalizations among TANF families.

Published:  October, 2004

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Spending on Social Welfare Programs in Rich and Poor States:  (Report)

Organization(s):  The Lewin Group and the Rockefeller Institute

This project, which resulted in both a key highlights issue brief and a full report, examines how a state's ability to fund social welfare programs affects its state spending choices on programs to support low-income populations. The project includes a two-part study of state spending on social services. The first part uses existing data sources to build a multi-variate, fifty-state model to examine social welfare spending choices made by states at different points in time. In the second part of the study, additional information is gathered through site visits to a half-dozen of the poorest states to develop a more detailed analysis of the spending decisions relating to social welfare programs.

Published:  June, 2004

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version  Research Summary  PDF Research Summary  Executive Summary 


Life on Welfare:  (Report)
The Active TANF Caseload in Maryland

Author(s):  Pamela Ovwigho, Catherine Born, AnnFerrero, and Correne Palazzo

Organization(s):  Family Welfare Research and Training Group, University of Maryland's School of Social Work

This study of Maryland's Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) caseload was undertaken to provide policy makers and program managers with empirical data on the characteristics, circumstances, and prospects of the adults and children who currently receive cash assistance. As caseloads have declined across the country, most research and political attention has focused on the characteristics and post-welfare circumstances of clients who have exited the welfare rolls. However, answers to the question of "Who is on welfare today?" are more critical for the task at hand: making program and policy decisions for the next few years that are consistent with and responsive to the circumstances and needs of today's cash assistance clients.

Published:  February, 2004

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Study of the District of Columbia's TANF Caseload  (Report)

Author(s):  Gregory Acs and Pamela Loprest

Organization(s):  Urban Institute

This report presents results from an in-depth study of DC's TANF recipients. The study addresses the status of TANF recipients in 2002 and challenges to work that they may face. DC surveyed a representative sample of single-parent TANF caseheads who were on the TANF rolls in August 2002. In addition to questions about employment and income, the survey included questions about a number of different barriers or challenges to work. These include lack of skills, health or personal problems, and family or logistical issues that might make finding or keeping a job difficult.

Published:  October, 2003

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Advancing State Child Indicators Initiatives  (Report)

Organization(s):  Chapin Hall Center for Children

This project promoted state efforts to develop and monitor indicators of the health and well-being of children and helped to institutionalize the use of indicator data in state and local policy work. Partnerships of state government agencies with responsibilities for addressing children's issues were invited to apply for grants. At a minimum, the partnerships were to include the agencies with lead responsibilities for children's programs, including children's health programs, and the welfare and income support programs. Grants were awarded to thirteen states: Alaska, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont and West Virginia. An additional state, California, was added with the support of the Packard Foundation. The Chapin Hall Center for Children provided technical assistance to the states.

Published:  May, 2002

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


Frequently Asked Questions About Child-Only Cases  (Report)

Author(s):  Elizabeth Lower-Basch

Organization(s):  ASPE

This paper summarizes data on welfare cases in which no parent receives assistance, just the children in the family. The paper discusses the reasons for this, as well as many other issues, and presents tables by state.

Published:  September, 1999

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


Administrative Data for Policy-Relevant Research:  (Report)
Assessment of Current Utility and Recommendations for Development

Author(s):  Advisory Panel on Research Uses of Administrative Data

Organization(s):  Joint Center for Poverty Research

This report is concerned with administrative data collected at the state and local levels in the operation of government programs for the poor, such as AFDC/TANF, Food Stamps, Medicaid, and foster care. In addition to their "record-keeping" function, administrative data increasingly are used to monitor and evaluate program performance and ensure agency accountability. The assessment was written for the Joint Center for Policy Research, with a grant from ASPE, to assess the use of state administrative data in policy and academic research.

Published:  January, 1998

Availability:  Full PDF Version 


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