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20 records match your search on "Administrative Data" - Showing 1 to 10
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Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), Fiscal Year 2008  (Report)

Organization(s):  Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS

The Federal Medical Assistance Percentages and Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages are calculated pursuant to the Social Security Act (the Act). These percentages will be effective from October 1 through September 30 of the indicated year. The "Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" and "Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" are used in determining the amount of Federal matching for State medical assistance (Medicaid) and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) expenditures, and Foster Care Maintenance and Adoption Assistance payments. Figures are given for each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Published:  November, 2006

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Green Book  (Website)
Background Material and Data on Programs within the Jurisdicition of the Committee on Ways and Means

Author(s):  Committee on Ways and Means

Organization(s):  Committee on Ways and Means of the U.S. House of Representatives

The Green Book is compiled by the staff of the Committee on Ways and Means of the U.S. House of Representatives from many sources and provides program descriptions and historical data on a wide variety of social and economic topics, including Social Security, employment, earnings, welfare, child support, health insurance, the elderly, families with children, poverty, and taxation. It has become a standard reference work for those interested in the direction of social policy in the United States. This web site contains links to editions available electronically.

Published:  June, 2003

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


Gateway to Data and Statistical Resources  (Website)

The Gateway is a web-based tool for finding key health and human services data and statistics. It is designed to complement other government resources such as FirstGov and FedStats. The Gateway covers federal, state, and local government sponsored information.

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


Data on Health and Well-being of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Other Native Americans  (Report)
Data Catalog

Organization(s):  Westat

This data catalog is a compilation of existing data sources pertaining to American Indian/Alaska Native/Native American (AI/AN/NA) populations. In the first component of this project, the contractor has identified existing sources of socioeconomic and health data using national and some state-level surveys. Information on 68 data sources including their characteristics and limitations is included in the catalog. This data catalog is a valuable reference for researchers, analysts and policymakers interested in AI/AN/NA issues.

Published:  December, 2006

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Administrative Data  (Data set)
Sample Data Available to the Public

Author(s):  HHS

This web site makes available to the public the administrative data from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. The data available includes data from the regular TANF program and the Separate State Programs (SSP) for both active and closed cases. You may download the datasets and use them for analysis of a sample of individuals from each state. As new data sets are made public, they are added to the web site. Documentation for the data sets are also available.

Published:  October, 2006

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


Enhancing Child Support Enforcement Efforts: Summary of Data Warehouse Efforts in Nine States  (Report)
Final Report

Author(s):  Karen Gardiner, Mike Fishman, Asaph Glosser, Matthew Langley, and David Vennergrund

Organization(s):  The Lewin Group and SRA International

This report provides information about State child support enforcement offices experiences with data warehouses; that is, how they are used to help manage program operations, assess program effectiveness and efficiency, and inform policy development. This report summarizes findings from discussions with staff in nine states about the development, content, and capabilities of their data warehouses. The report indicates that states use their data warehouses for a variety of purposes. Some focus on Federal reporting; others use the data warehouse for specified child support activities (e.g., locate). Some use the data warehouse to manage their programs (e.g., identifying underperforming offices, overstaffed functions), while others use it to explore and assess new policies. Additionally, the data in the warehouse come from a variety of sources. Each state's CSE automated statewide system plays a prominent role. Also, in some states, the data warehouse directly interfaces or feeds into other systems (e.g., welfare). State data warehouses vary in terms of reporting capabilities. Some use them to generate Federal reports for the incentive-related data reliability audits or the annual self-assessments. Others use their data warehouses primarily for ad-hoc reports. State child support programs also grant different levels of access to their data warehouses. For example, in some instances, partner agencies can access limited data; in others, access is highly restricted. Finally, the state respondents had unique perspectives on best practices and advice for other child support programs interested in building data warehouses. Each of these areas is discussed in detailed in the report.

Published:  October, 2006

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Employer Provided Health Insurance:  (Report)
What can be Learned from the 5500 Data?

Author(s):  Anja Drecressin, Tomeka Hill, Julia Lane

Organization(s):  Census Bureau, LEHD, and Department of Labor, EBSA, OPR

This report provides a technical assessment of the utility of data from the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, specifically the form 5500 data, to examine the receipt of employer provided health care when merged with data from the Census Bureau's Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics data program. The report finds that while the data are not well-suited to examine the proportion of workers receiving health care or the proportion of firms offering health care, they can contribute significantly to our understanding of the types of firms that offer health plans, as well as how offers and cost-sharing changes over time within specific firms.

Published:  January, 2006

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version  Research Brief  PDF Research Brief  Executive Summary  PDF Executive Summary 


Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), Fiscal Year 2007  (Report)

Organization(s):  Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS

The Federal Medical Assistance Percentages and Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages are calculated pursuant to the Social Security Act (the Act). These percentages will be effective from October 1 through September 30 of the indicated year. The "Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" and "Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages" are used in determining the amount of Federal matching for State medical assistance (Medicaid) and State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) expenditures, and Foster Care Maintenance and Adoption Assistance payments. Figures are given for each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Published:  November, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 


Rural Research Needs and Data Sources for Selected Human Services Topics  (Report)
Volume 1: Research Needs; Volume 2: Data Sources

Author(s):  Volume 1: Debra A. Strong, Patricia Del Grosso, Andrew Burwick, Vinita Jethwani, & Michael Ponza. Volume 2: Debra A. Strong, Jigar Bhatt, Shannon Phillips, & Kate Scheppke

Organization(s):  Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

This research project provides a descriptive overview of the social and economic conditions in rural America, including persistent and emerging trends. A literature review of three key human service conditions in rural areas (substance abuse, work supports for low-income families and child welfare) describes their prevalence and the availability and utilization of services to ameliorate the conditions. The final report includes a compilation of 20 national surveys and 60 state administrative data sources that could be used by rural researchers and policymakers to study one or more of the selected focal conditions. The compilation summarizes the content of each database, includes information on the rural identifiers in each data set, and identifies any requirements researchers must meet in order to have access to the data.

Published:  August, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version  Research Summary  PDF Research Summary  Executive Summary  PDF Executive Summary 


Social Security and Medicare from a Trust Fund and Budget Perspective  (Issue Brief)

Organization(s):  ASPE

According to the annual reports of the Social Security and Medicare trustees, the financial outlook for the two programs is not favorable. Under the central forecasts reported for the past 16 years under both Republican and Democratic Administrations, both programs face significant long-range financing problems arising largely from the aging of the population and the unrelenting rise in the price of health care. This Issue Brief examines the problem from a budget and economic perspective.

Published:  March, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version 

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