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4 records match your search on "Independent Living" - Showing 1 to 4

Coming of Age: Employment Outcomes for Youth Who Age Out of Foster Care Through Their Middle Twenties  (Report)

Author(s):  Jennifer Macomber, Stephanie Cuccaro-Alamin, Dean Duncan, et. al.

Organization(s):  Urban Institute with subcontractors University of California Berkeley and University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

A primary task for youth in transitioning to adulthood is sustaining employment to be self-sufficient. Studies of former youth who age out of foster care find that they generally experience unstable employment patterns and earn very low incomes between ages 18 and 20. However, less is known about whether these youths' initial patterns of employment instability and low earnings persist. This study linked child welfare, Unemployment Insurance (UI) and TANF administrative data to assess employment outcomes for former youth through age 24 in three states: California, North Carolina, and Minnesota. Descriptive, multivariate, and trajectory analysis techniques are employed to describe employment patterns. Findings indicate that low rates of employment persist through age 24; Low earnings persist through age 24 though few receive TANF benefits; and youth show four patterns of connectedness to the workforce that may provide insights to program planners considering how to best tailor services to youths' needs.

Published:  March, 2008

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version  Executive Summary 


Evaluability Assessment of Discharge Planning and the Prevention of Homelessness  (Report)
Final Report

Author(s):  Garrett Moran, Rafael Semansky, Elizabeth Quinn, Rebecca Noftsinger, and Teresa Koenig

Organization(s):  Westat

This report presents the results of an evaluability assessment of discharge/transition planning as a homeless prevention strategy in four types of institutional and custodial settings including: adult in-patient psychiatric hospitals, foster care independent living programs, residential treatment programs for adults with substance abuse disorders, and residential treatment centers for youth. The goal of the study was to examine the feasibility of conducting a rigorous and objective evaluation in these settings. The approach used included: a literature review, expert panel meetings, a documentary analysis of selected programs, site visits to exemplary programs, and analysis of findings as a result of these activities. This final report addresses the evaluability question and offers alternative evaluation research designs.

Published:  September, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version  Executive Summary  PDF Executive Summary 


Implementation of Maternity Group Home Programs:  (Report)
Serving Pregnant and Parenting Teens in a Residential Setting

Author(s):  Lara Hulsey, Robert Wood, and Anu Rangarajan

Organization(s):  Mathematica Policy Research (MPR)

Maternity Group Homes offer an innovative and intensive approach to addressing the needs of teenage mothers and their children. ASPE contracted with MPR to conduct a study of how these programs operate and to explore options for studying them further. This report documents the implementation of maternity group homes in seven sites.

Published:  April, 2005

Availability:  Full HTML Version  Full PDF Version  Research Summary  Executive Summary  PDF Executive Summary 


Self-Sufficiency of Former Foster Youth in Wisconsin  (Report)
Analysis of Unemployment Insurance Wage Data and Public Assistance Data

Author(s):  Amy Dworsky and Mark E. Courtney

Organization(s):  Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Youth who have aged out of foster care and lack the social and financial support of their families are at significant risk of poor outcomes. Previous research, based primarily on interviews with former foster care youth, have shown that many find it difficult to maintain stable employment and that their earnings are low. This study uses state administrative data to examine these issues for former foster care youth in Wisconsin. Employment, earnings, and public assistance receipt are analyzed for youth who exited out of home care between January 1, 1992 and December 31, 1998 and were at least 17 years old at the time of their exit.

Published:  December, 2000

Availability:  Full HTML Version 


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