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  Details for 07/06/2006

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Date 07/06/2006
Subject CMS Announces Publication of an Extra Help/LIS Outreach Toolkit

On July 6, 2006 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the publication of an Extra Help/LIS Outreach Toolkit. The outreach and education initiatives outlined in this plan are designed to identify all remaining likely LIS eligible beneficiaries who have not yet applied for the LIS or joined a plan; ensure that these beneficiaries complete the LIS application process; and encourage them to make an active choice of Medicare drug plans. CMS will strive to coordinate to the fullest extent possible with relevant federal, state and local partners to maximize the effectiveness and return on investment of all outreach efforts.

Estimates show that approximately 3 million Medicare beneficiaries remain who are likely to qualify for the LIS, but have not yet applied for the LIS or enrolled in a Medicare drug plan. These beneficiaries are scattered throughout the country and are more likely to be less educated, more isolated from their communities, and members of minority groups. Because of these factors, they are traditionally hard to reach due to barriers posed by literacy, geography, mobility, language, or culture. Identifying, qualifying and enrolling these remaining eligible beneficiaries in Medicare prescription drug coverage is a priority.

There is a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for people who qualify for the LIS. Those who qualify will be able to join a Medicare drug plan immediately without paying a penalty, and will not have to wait for the next open enrollment period. This SEP for people who qualify for the LIS began on May 16 and will continue through November 15, 2006.

The Toolkit is available at through the link below.



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Last Modified Date : 07/07/2006
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