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Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Planning and Evaluation

Policy Information Center

Performance Improvement 1998




Evaluation Review Panel

Executive Summary

Chapter I. Evaluation in the Department of Health and HumanServices

HHS Evaluation Activities

Evaluation Resources

Evaluation Management

Ensuring Effective Use of Evaluation Results

Chapter II. Highlights of Selected Evaluations Completed During Fiscal Year 1997

Performance Measurement and Assessment

LEAP: Final Report on Ohio's Welfare Initiative to Improve School Attendance Among Teenage Parents--Ohio's Learning,Earning, and Parenting Program

NTIES: National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study

Program Management and Development

Self-Sufficiency Project Implementation Manual: Lessons Learned from Eight Years of Office of Community Services Demonstration Partnership Programs

Effects of Information Tools and Decision Aids to Help Patient Decision-making About Medical Screening and Treatment

Syphilis in the South: A Case Study Assessment in Eight Southern Communities

Stakeholders Revisit Healthy People 2000 to Maximize the Impact for 2010

Policy Analysis and Development

Impact of the Medicare Fee Schedule on Teaching Physicians

Informal and Formal Kinship Care

Market Barriers to the Development of Pharmacotherapies for the Treatment of Cocaine Abuse and Addiction: Final Report

Chapter III. HHS Agency Evaluation Activities

Administration for Children and Families

Administration on Aging

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Food and Drug Administration

Health Care Financing Administration

Health Resources and Services Administration

Indian Health Service

National Institutes of Health

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

Office of Public Health and Science

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Appendix A. Abstracts of HHS Evaluations Completed in Fiscal Year 1997

Appendix B. Inventory of HHS Evaluations in Progress

Appendix C. Evaluation Review Panel's Criteria for Assessing Program Evaluations

Appendix D. Glossary of Acronyms

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