How did the solar system evolve to its current diverse state? Missions for 'under study' phase.

Many of the other solar systems have massive Jupiter like planets close to their Sun, closer even than Mercury. Many scientists now believe that these gas giants could not have formed there. Rather, they must have began out where our Jupiter is, and moved inwards, scattering the smaller planets with their powerful gravity as they went. Why is it that our Jupiter and Saturn did not migrate inward? We are trying to learn more about our outer solar system by sending probes there. We sent Galileo to Jupiter, Cassini is at Saturn right now, and New Horizons is on its way to Pluto even as you read this.

*Sort missions by clicking Launch Date, A-Z, or PHASE column headers.

Launch Date A-Z Phase
20130101 2013 Under Study
20110802 August 01, 2011 Under Study
20110101 2011 Under Study
Under Study