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NIST Publications

NIST publications (or "pubs") includes scientific and technical documents that have been authored or co-authored by NIST employees or published by NIST.

Search for NIST Pubs

    WERB Your Paper
Submit your paper (Manuscript Review and Approval Form, NIST 114) to the NIST Publications Database

Contact:  WERB Secretariat x3570

Due to technical issues, the NIST TechniPubs database has been taken off line. To locate NIST publications, search the NIST Research Library's Online Catalog. To get help searching the Online Catalog, please contact the Information Desk at library@nist.gov.

Some useful links to selected online NIST publications:

  • Laboratory Metrology (including Handbook 105-series) 
  • Find online NIST publications by Operating Unit.

Journal of Research

Issued six times a year, the Journal reports NIST research and development in

  • physics
  • chemistry
  • engineering
  • mathematics
  • computer sciences

Papers cover a broad range of subjects, with major emphasis on measurement methodology and the basic technology underlying standardization.  Randomly included are survey articles on topics closely related to the Institute's technical and scientific programs.

To subscribe to the Journal of ResearchLink leads off the NIST site, use the online, or printable, form on the Government Printing Office site.

The Journal of Research is archived at many U.S. National Depository Libraries.  Individual copies are available from the National Technical Information Service, telephone 703-487-4650 or 1-800-553-6847.

Types of NIST-Authored Publications

Major publication types that NIST researchers use as a vehicle for their findings, reports, and studies.


Issued each Friday, TCal consists of three electronic publications:

  • Technicalendar (meetings) 
  • Administrative CalendarSorry, material is for NIST staff only. 
  • Vacancy Announcements

Publications Calculator

This Web product will quickly generate comparisons of  WERB-approved publications by organization and date range.  (Gaithersburg only)

Order a PublicationThe following links lead off the NIST site

Order most NIST publications from the National Technical Information Service.

The Journal of Research is ordered through the Government Printing Office.

Related Resources

NIST Technical Publishing GuideSorry, material is for NIST staff only. 
Information Services Directions NewsletterSorry, material is for NIST staff only. 
The monthly newsletter of the Information Services Division.
NIST Publications
From the main NIST Website

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National Institute of Standards and Technology
Technology Services  •  Information Services Division


Last modified: Sep 16, 2008