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National Cyber Alert System
Technical Cyber Security Alert TA06-081Aarchive

Sendmail Race Condition Vulnerability

Original release date: March 22, 2006
Last revised: --
Source: US-CERT

Systems Affected

Sendmail versions prior to 8.13.6.


A race condition in Sendmail may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code.

I. Description

Sendmail contains a race condition caused by the improper handling of asynchronous signals. In particular, by forcing the SMTP server to have an I/O timeout at exactly the correct instant, an attacker may be able to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the Sendmail process.

Details, including statements from affected vendors are available in the following Vulnerability Note:

VU#834865 - Sendmail contains a race condition

A race condition in Sendmail may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code.

Please refer to the Sendmail MTA Security Vulnerability Advisory and the Sendmail version 8.13.6 release page for more information.

II. Impact

A remote, unauthenticated attacker could execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the Sendmail process. If Sendmail is running as root, the attacker could take complete control of an affected system.

III. Solution

Upgrade Sendmail

Sendmail version 8.13.6 has been released to correct this issue. In addition to VU#834865, Sendmail 8.13.6 addresses other security issues and potential weaknesses in the Sendmail code.

Patches to correct this issue in Sendmail versions 8.12.11 and 8.13.5 are also available.

Appendix A. References

Feedback can be directed to the US-CERT Technical Staff

Produced 2006 by US-CERT, a government organization. Terms of use

Revision History

March 22, 2006: Initial release

Last updated February 08, 2008