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Briefing Rooms

Wheat: Recommended Readings


Market Analysis
Commodity Policy

Market Analysis

For information on current and previous baseline projections for wheat, see the market outlook chapter.

Wheat Year in Review (Domestic): High U.S. Exports Drive Record Prices and Low 2007/08 Ending StocksPDF file (November 2008) reviews the U.S. wheat supply and disappearance for the 2007/08 marketing year and the record-high prices for U.S. wheat farmers. Previous issues of the Wheat Yearbook are also available.

Wheat Year in Review (International): Low 2007/08 Stocks and Higher Prices Drive OutlookPDF file (May 2008) reviews the world situation for the 2007/08 marketing year. The low stocks and high prices during fall 2007, and favorable planting conditions for the Northern Hemisphere, resulted in more planted area. With the increase in planted area, and normal weather, global production should reach a record high in 2008/09.

The U.S. Grain Consumption Landscape: Who Eats Grain, In What Form, Where, and How Much? (November 2007) compares Americans consumption of grains with the recommendations in the Government's 2005 Dietary Guidelines, using data from USDA's Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals, 1994-96 and 1998. Results suggest that consumers who perceive grain consumption as important and read food labels during shopping tend to eat more whole grains than other people.

The Changing Face of the U.S. Grain System (February 2007) discusses the evolving nature of U.S. grain handling and marketing, which is increasingly marked by product differentiation and market segmentation. More specialty crops now require either some form of segregation or full-scale identity preservation to keep them separate from conventional commodities. Market segmentation within the grain system is driven by the need to preserve market value or ensure product purity.

Hard White Wheat at a Crossroads (December 2004) provides background on the forces that led to the expansion of hard white wheat (HWW) production, its milling and baking qualities that make it particularly suited for certain products such as tortillas and Oriental noodles, the adaptation of the marketing system to preserve its identity, and the prospects for HWW's production expansion. Continuing expansion of HWW production would depend on the development of new, higher yielding varieties that are more tolerant to sprout damage and the continuation of the government incentive program.

Characteristics and Production Costs of U.S. Wheat Farms (July 2002) reports that the average cost of producing a bushel of wheat in 1998 was $3.97, ranging from about $1.25 to more than $6 per bushel. Regional differences in production practices and growing conditions were major influences on production costs and yields among wheat producers.

How Wheat Production Costs VaryPDF FILE, 603.36 KB (March 2002) draws on the most recent Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) to show that the cost of producing wheat varied widely among growers, due primarily to differences in production practices and yields.

Price Determination for Corn and Wheat: The Role of Market Factors and Government Programs (August 1999) finds a number of factors affect U.S. farm-level prices for corn and wheat, indicated by models based on supply and demand conditions as well as government policies.

Providing Timely Farm Price Forecasts: Using Wheat Futures Prices to Forecast U.S. Wheat Prices at the Farm LevelPDF FILE, 279.90 KB (June 1999) includes technical analyses of forecasting wheat prices.

Commodity Policy

Valuing Counter-Cyclical Payments: Implications for Producer Risk Management and Program Administration (February 2007) illustrates an improved method for estimating counter-cyclical payment rates by accounting for the variability in market price forecast errors. Forecasters and producers can use the model to calculate the probability of having to repay advanced counter-cyclical payments.

Wheat Backgrounder (December 2005) addresses key domestic and international market and policy developments that have affected the U.S. wheat sector in recent years. The report contains information on supply and demand developments, domestic and trade policy, a wheat farm profile and financial characteristics, and addresses issues and opportunities to be considered in domestic agricultural policy deliberations.

Wheat and Barley Policies in Japan (November 2004) provides a detailed description and analysis of policies used by Japan to support its wheat and barley producers. Japan uses tax revenues and a markup on prices of wheat and barley imported within a quota to provide large direct payments to producers. Consumers and taxpayers ultimately pay for this support.

The 2002 Farm Act: Provisions and Implications for Commodity Markets (November 2002) provides an initial assessment of the legislation's effects on agricultural production, commodity markets, and net farm income over the next 10 years. Results indicate that commodity market impacts are fairly small. Net farm income is projected higher than under a continuation of the 1996 Farm Act, largely reflecting an increase in government payments.

Economic Analysis of Ending the Issuance of Karnal Bunt Phytosanitary Wheat Export CertificatesPDF FILE, 1.63 MB (March 2002) indicates that ending this certification program would jeopardize U.S. exports to some countries. The loss of export markets for U.S. wheat producers would be only partially offset by increased domestic feeding of lower priced wheat. Reduced wheat production and lower wheat prices would reduce the total value of the wheat produced in the country, as well as net income in U.S. agriculture.

Wheat: Background and Issues for Farm Legislation (August 2002) addresses considerations in the 2002 farm bill debate, including market conditions, policy proposals, trade agreements, and the interactions between policy and markets.

Analysis of the U.S. Commodity Loan Program with Marketing Loan Provisions (May 2001) assesses the impacts of marketing loans on production, use, and prices, and illustrates that the program has enabled farmers to attain, on average, per-unit revenues that exceed commodity loan rates.

Wheat and the Conservation Reserve Program: Past, Present, and FuturePDF FILE, 54.35 KB (March 1997) contains background on the impact of USDA's land retirement program on wheat production, particularly in the Plains.


Wheat Year in Review (International): Low 2007/08 Stocks and Higher Prices Drive OutlookPDF file (May 2008) reviews the world situation for the 2007/08 marketing year. The low stocks and high prices during fall 2007, and favorable planting conditions for the Northern Hemisphere, resulted in more planted area. With the increase in planted area, and normal weather, global production should reach a record high in 2008/09.

Global Agricultural Supply and Demand: Factors Contributing to the Recent Increase in Food Commodity Prices (July 2008) explores the many factors that have contributed to the runup in food commodity prices over the last 2 years.

Indian Wheat and Rice Sector Policies and the Implications of Reform (May 2007) suggests that future developments in India's food grain sector will be shaped by how policies adapt to the sector's new economic environment. Some changes, such as reducing price supports and the scope of government food grain operations, would likely cut government costs, benefit consumers, allow a larger private sector role in the domestic market, and increase reliance on trade.

Black Sea Grain Exports: Will They Be Moderate or Large? (October 2004) examines the prospects for grain exports (mostly wheat) by the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States that export through the Black Sea, the largest being Russia and Ukraine. If productivity growth in the region is high, annual grain exports by Black Sea countries could rise to 30-40 million metric tons.

China's Wheat Economy: Current Trends and Prospects for Imports (May 2004) provides an overview of wheat production and consumption trends in China, including factors that contributed to slumping imports in recent years. It projects that China will regain its status as a net wheat importer, with imports rising sharply in the next year or two (2005-06), but falling back to modest levels after that.

Mycotoxin Hazards and Regulations: Impacts on Food and Animal Feed Crop TradePDF FILE, 124.48 KB (November 2003) addresses the difficulty of balancing food safety concerns and efforts to limit the economic costs of trade disruptions. This chapter reviews food safety risks posed by mycotoxin-contaminated grains and demonstrates that a lack of international consensus on mycotoxin standards has important trade implications.

International Wheat Breeding and Future Wheat Productivity in Developing CountriesPDF FILE, 58.64 KB (March 2002) explains the slowing of wheat yield growth in developing countries and examines future challenges for wheat breeding in these countries.

The New Agricultural Trade Negotiations: Background and Issues for the U.S. Wheat SectorPDF FILE, 74.96 KB (March 2000) focuses on further reducing tariffs and improving market access, eliminating and prohibiting the use of export subsidies, nd placing further limitations on trade-distorting domestic support programs.


For more information, contact: Gary Vocke or Edward Allen

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Updated date: November 18, 2008