First GLAST Symposium

5-8 February 2007
Stanford University

GLAST Poster

Symposium Program

Please Note: On Thursday there will be a splinter meeting on The Future of Ground-based Gamma-ray Astronomy. Please see this announcement for details.

Sunday, 4 February

15:30-18:30 Registration and poster setup available

Monday, 5 February

» Room Arrangements

8:00-9:00 Registration, Coffee, Posters
9:00-10:30 1. Opening Session
9:00 - Opening remarks, logistics
9:15 - 1.1 Overview of GLAST Mission and Opportunities - S. Ritz
9:40 - 1.2 The Large Area Telescope (LAT) - P.F. Michelson
10:10 - 1.3 The GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM) - C. Meegan
10:30-11:00 Break, Posters
11:00-12:00 2. AGN, EBL, and Related Topics (I)
11:00 - 2.1 Gamma-ray Emitting AGN and GLAST - P. Padovani
11:30 - 2.2 AGN Questions and GLAST - A. Celotti
12:00-13:30 Lunch, Posters
13:30-15:30 2. AGN, EBL, and Related Topics (II)
13:30 - 2.3 AGN, Radio Observations, and GLAST - G. Taylor
14:00 - 2.4 GLAST and the EBL - D. Hartmann
14:30 - 2.5 Multifrequency variability properties of gamma-bright AGN - S. Wagner
14.45 - 2.6 Observations of AGNs with the MAGIC Telescope - D. Mazin
15:00 - 2.7 Towards an improved census of radio-loud AGNs: the FIRST Flat Spectrum Sample - G. Fossati
15:15 - 2.8 Deep Blazar Surveys with Swift - P. Giommi
15:30-15:45 Break
15:45-17:05 3. Surveys, Populations, New Sources
15:45 - 3.1 New Source Classes and Spatially Extended Sources - D. Torres
16:15 - 3.2 The INTEGRAL High Energy Sky - P. Ubertini
16:35 - 3.3 Galactic TeV Sources and GLAST - L. Drury
17:05-17:30 Posters
17:30-19:00 Reception
20:00 PUBLIC LECTURE: Prof. Andrei Linde (Stanford) - The Origin and Fate of the Universe

Tuesday, 6 February

» Room Arrangements

8:00-9:00 Coffee, Posters
9:00-10:30 4. Galactic Compact Objects and Their Environments (I)
9:00 - 4.1 Pulsar Questions and GLAST - A. Harding
9:30 - 4.2 Pulsar Observations and GLAST - S. Johnston
10:00 - 4.3 Finding (or not) New Gamma-ray Pulsars with GLAST - S. Ransom
10:15 - 4.4 Multiwavelength pulsar observations in support of GLAST - S. Thorsett
10:30-11:15 Coffee, Posters
11:15-12:00 4. Galactic Compact Objects and Their Environments (I)
11.15 - 4.5 Supernova Remnants and GLAST - P. Slane
11:45 - 4.6 The Magnetic Bootstrap - R. Blandford
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 4. Galactic Compact Objects and Their Environments (II)
13:30 - 4.7 Binaries, Microquasars, and GLAST - G. Dubus
14:00 - 4.8 MAGIC observations of galactic objects - J. Cortina (D. Torres)
14:15 - 4.9 A deep INTEGRAL observation of the peculiar radio/X-ray/g-ray/TeV source LS I +61 303 - W. Hermsen
14:30-15:15 Posters, Coffee
15:15-16:55 5. Facilities
15:15 - 5.1 The AGILE Mission - M. Tavani (F. Longo)
15:35 - 5.2 Status of the VERITAS Gamma-Ray Observatory - D. Kieda
15:55 - 5.3 The Large Millimeter Telescope in the GLAST Era - A. Carraminana
16:15 - 5.4 GLAST Large Area Telescope Multiwavelength Studies: An Invitation to Coordinated Observations - D.J. Thompson
16:35 - 5.5 Suzaku Observations of AGN and Synergy with GLAST - J. Kataoka
16:55-18:00 Posters
18:00-19:00 No Host Bar, The Faculty Club
19:00 BANQUET at Stanford Faculty Club

Wednesday, 7 February

» Room Arrangements

8:00-8:30 Coffee, Discussion
8:30-10:30 6. Gamma Ray Bursts and Solar Physics
8:30 - 6.1 GRB Observations and GLAST - N. Gehrels
9:00 - 6.2 GRB Questions and GLAST - T. Piran
9:30 - 6.3 Pair Attenuation Signatures in Evolving Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra - M. Baring
9:45 - 6.4 How may GLAST help solve some GRB Puzzles Raised by Swift - J. Granot
10:00 - 6.5 Surprising X-ray Properties of Swift Early Afterglows, Fodder for GLAST - N. Butler
10:15 - 6.6 BATSE Spectroscopy Detector Observations of GRB MeV Emission - M. Briggs
10:45-11:30 6. Gamma Ray Bursts and Solar Physics
10:45 - 6.7 Suzaku HXD-WAM observations of Gamma-ray Prompt Emission and Collaboration with GLAST - Y. Fukazawa
11:00 - 6.8 Solar Science with GLAST - G. Share
11:30-13:00 Lunch
13:00-15:00 Parallel Sessions P1, P2, P3, P4
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:30 Parallel Sessions P5, P6, P7, P8
17:45 Depart to Chabot Planetarium
19:00 Chabot Reception
20:00 Chabot Planetarium Show: Black Holes: The Other Side of Infinity

Thursday, 8 February

» Room Arrangements

8:00-8:30 Coffee, Discussion
8:30-10:00 7. Diffuse and Spatially Extended Emissions
8:30 - 7.1 Galactic Diffuse Gamma-ray Emissions - S. Digel
9:00 - 7.2 Extragalactic Diffuse Gamma-ray Emissions - C. Dermer
9:30 - 7.3 Discovery of TeV Gamma Ray Emission from the Cygnus Region with Milagro Using a New Background Rejection Technique - A. Abdo
9:45 - 7.4 Soft gamma-ray galactic ridge emission as unveiled by SPI aboard INTEGRAL - J. Knödlseder
10:00-10:25 Coffee
10:30-11:30 8. Dark Matter and New Physics Windows
10:30 - 8.1 Dark Matter, Structure, and GLAST - M. Kuhlen (TBC)
10:50 - 8.2 Overview of GLAST Searches for Milky Way Dark Matter Substructure - L. Wai
11:05 - 8.3 Detecting Dark Matter via the Proper Motion of Microhalos - S. Koushiappas
11:30-12:15 9. Summary Session
11:30 - 9.1 Symposium Summary - R. Blandford
12:00 Announcements
12:15 Adjourn
Afternoon Satellite Meetings