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Hot Springs National Parktable with dried botanical specimens mounted on paper, basket with nuts and turkey feather
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Hot Springs National Park
Park Statistics
Gross Area Acres - 5,550

Total Recreation Visits for FY 2006- 1,273,457
Total Recreation Visits for FY 2005- 1,340,160
Total Recreation Visits for FY 2004- 1,418,735
Total Recreation Visits for FY 2003- 1,561,311

FY 2006 Annual Budget - $3,805,000
FY 2005 Annual Budget - $3,625,000
FY 2004 Annual Budget - $3,354,000
FY 2003 Annual Budget - $3,367,000
Black and white photo of the Government Free Bathhouse with a ranger walking on the sidewalk in front.  

Did You Know?
The Public Health Service operated a venereal disease clinic in the Government Free Bathhouse (1922-1948) in Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas. It was one of the first facilities in the United States to use penicillin. In 1948, the clinic transferred to the nearby Camp Garraday Transient Camp.

Last Updated: August 01, 2007 at 16:30 EST