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Briefing Rooms

Wheat: Related Links


U.S. Department of Agriculture

National Agricultural Statistics Service provides data on yields, acreage, production, prices by State and nationally, as well as current crop progress and commodity specific reports.

World Agricultural Outlook Board provides data on supply and utilization of wheat and other principal crops for the United States and other countries.

Agricultural Marketing Service provides current cash grain prices and market news, as well as information on grain transportation and exporting, and standardization and grading.

Foreign Agricultural Service provides data on current U.S. wheat export sales, data on supply and demand (including imports and exports) for major wheat trading countries, and current world market and trade reports.

Risk Management Agency provides crop insurance information.

Farm Service Agency offers extensive information on farm and conservation programs and on specific commodity programs and markets, as well as program-related USDA announcements.

U.S. Department of Commerce

U.S. Census Bureau provides data on wheat ground and flour production, and the Economic Census.

For more information, contact: Gary Vocke or Edward Allen

Web administration:

Updated date: September 22, 2008