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Technology Transfer, TT

TT News Archive

[Note: Some of these links may not function because the source has removed them or moved them to another location. We have retained all the titles here for our archives.]

RoseStreet Labs Energy Announces Joint Photovoltaic Research Program With Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory technologies capture prestigious R&D 100 awards

Hyperion takes first orders

Nuclear power pack gains backers

Springboard Gives Entrepreneurs a Boost (pdf)

Lab Announces Selection of Partner for Venture Acceleration Initiative

Making an impact on the region (Currents)

Nuclear power pack gains backers

Winning an R&D 100 Award (Currents)

Manhattan Scientifics Acquires Metallicum, Inc.

LANL bags two R&D 100s
Laboratory technologies capture prestigious R&D 100 awards

A velvet gauntlet

Tech Transfer 2007 award winners recognized (Newsbulletin)

Through human eyes: LANL scientists teach computers to see

Initiative breeds 'magic' by linking funds, entrepreneurs and laboratory technology

Los Alamos Technology to be Featured on CSI: NY

LANL spinoff company makes pyrotechnics friendlier to environment (Santa Fe New Mexican)

Cancer Treatment Gets Software Boost

Lab Seeks Ideas for Venture Acceleration Fund

Observera licenses Genie Pro™ automated feature extraction and search technology

Venture Catalyst (Los Alamos Monitor)

Los Alamos Wins Two Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Awards

Startup launches security software with free download

N.M. labs take on world's environmental woes (Santa Fe New Mexican)

New Mexico Pulls in Venture Capital (Business Week)

New Mexico Technology May Change Airport Security (KOAT TV)

New Technologies in Flow Cytometry Improve Disease Diagnosis

Venture capital spreads the wealth around the country

Flywheel backs networking site for brainy folks

New Technologies in Flow Cytometry Improve Disease Diagnosis

Aperio Secures Exclusive License to Genie Pro™ Image Pattern Recognition Technology for Digital Pathology

DOE Announces Technology Transfer Policy to Move Cutting-Edge Technology Research to the Marketplace

Los Alamos wins three 2008 Awards of Excellence in Technology Transfer

Nuke to the Future

Small technology offers big prospects in New Mexico

Immerse yourself: Wrap-around media experience in the works (Courtesy of Los Alamos Monitor)

New device speeds up sample collection, accuracy (Forensic Magazine)

Connecting Business Needs With Basic Science (Industrial Research Institute Journal: Research-Technology Management)

Theater in Los Alamos will let the audience step into an alternate reality (New Mexico Business Weekly)

Aperio Secures Exclusive License to Genie Pro™ Image Pattern Recognition Technology for Digital Pathology (Business Wire)

Venture Acceleration Fund Round 2 (Connections)

Lab works to guard electric grid

Dynamic duo bridges entrepreneur, science gap

McBranch named deputy principal associate director for Science, Technology and Engineering (LANL NewsLetter)

Dynamic duo bridges entrepreneur, science gap

Test of Through-the-Earth Communication System Exceeds Expectations

Chevron, LANL join in shale oil search

Outstanding Innovation Tech Transfer Awards
And the award goes to....

Lab instruments win two R&D 100 awards
Lab captures R&D 100 awards (LANL NewsLetter pdf)

Newest radiation detectors in development

Sound waves turn natural gas into liquid

Students test their entrepreneurship skills at Innovation Challenge

Smart Rewards (Story courtesy of Los Alamos Monitor)

2007 R&D 100 award nominees honored at June 7 reception (Courtesy of Los Alamos Monitor)

Two win 2006 Lawrence Award

CleanAir exhales new filtering devices, inhales profits

Albuquerque firm signs licensing deal with LANL for cancer detection technology

Los Alamos to share computer simulation software development environment with private sector

LANL recognized by the Federal Laboratory Consortium

Los Alamos flu simulation software licensed to CIVA

College students help push tech transfer at Los Alamos

Silicon Research Will Transform Solar Cells

LANL has big plans for nanoscience

New 'underground radio' technology improves emergency capabilities

Los Alamos National Laboratory seeks commercialization partner for document security software

Think uptime, have uptime (The Manufacturer, re: P&G partnership)

National labs pursue green uses of technology (Silicon Valley.com)

LANL, Japanese scientists team up for hydrogen project

Venture backers evaluate new ideas

Lab recognizes R&D 100 submissions (Newsbulletin)
Scientists recognized at reception (Los Alamos Monitor)

Los Alamos and MetOx collaborate to accelerate availability of commercial HTS wire

AWARDS database tracks Lab awards

AES Plans to Invest Approximately $1 Billion over Three Years in Alternative Energy Businesses, Including Greenhouse Gas Reduction Projects (pdf)

Los Alamos Tech Provides Security at the Source (FLC)

Kudos, royalties for lab's inventors

Agreement aims to improve oil recovery efforts

Reception honors distinguished patent, license, copyright winners

Bird Flu Computer Database Helps Scientists Develop a Vaccine

Legendary lab creates anti-worm software

AWinning Combination (R&D 100)

Biotech hat trick

Two Laboratory technologies receive nanoscience awards

Laboratory captures four R&D 100 Awards (LANL NewsLetter pdf)

Lab signs CRADA and License for Carbon Nanotube Technology with Carbon Designs, Inc.

HydroFlo, Inc. Acquires Safety Scan Technology, Inc. from UTEK Corporation (Yahoo News)

LACDC, LANL, TVC review projects

Detecting nasty dust—LANL licensee develops test kit for detecting beryllium dust (Arizona Star)

Los Alamos National Laboratory and UNM collaborate on Tech-Transfer education

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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