
The New Look for Ropin' the Web

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 Ropin' the Web has a new look and a number of improvements to simplify how visitors can find information as they navigate through the site.

From the home page, or in fact any page on the web site, visitors can use the tabs at the top of the page for one-click access to the most visited parts of the web site. There are a couple of additions. There is a new Information tab that leads to all the news, factsheets, reports, weather and market information on the web site. Also new is a tab for the growing list of interactive maps that can help visitors find a farmers' market or information about the quality of farm land throughout Alberta.

The Information tab takes visitors to news and reference information as well as weather and market prices. The major change is a new way to let visitors filter information on the website based on an area of interest. Using the "Browse by Audience" list found on the left-hand side of the page, visitors can select from one of several audience views to create a more focused view of all the information on the website.

If a visitor decides to browse the website to find relevant information for beef producers, here is what happens. The subject navigation will change to display only those subjects that relate to beef producers. The news is filtered to display the stories of greatest interest to beef producers. In addition visitors can customize the weather for a forecast area near home and likewise for coming events.

As a visitor navigates forward through the website, the Frequently asked Questions, Calculators and Quick links that are most closely related to area of interest will be displayed together in easily scanned groupings.

And on the third click, reference documents that provide detailed information about beef production can be found arranged by subject in an easy-to-scan list. The department all has a wide variety of help books, cd's and video for sale that can be found in a brand new container that brings all these products together in one place.

If you have questions or comments about the new look, please contact us.

Gerard Vaillancourt
Branch Head, Roping the Web
Alberta Agriculture and Food
Phone: 780-422-6796
E-mail: gerard.vaillancourt@gov.ab.ca

For more information about the content of this document, contact Stacey Tames.
This information published to the web on November 28, 2007.
Last Reviewed/Revised on December 13, 2007.