Washington State's Agricultural Experiment Station

Agricultural Research Center

CSREES Announces Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Funding Opportunity

WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 – USDA’s Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) announced today the addition of the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) to its funding portfolio as authorized under the 2008 Farm Bill.  The Request for Applications...more


Investment for Future Success Program.

The Agricultural Research Center is announcing the Investment for Future Success Program, which is designed to increase the success rates of ARC and CAHNRS faculty in obtaining federal competitive research grants by improving proposals that came close to the pay-line in recent reviews. Details...


WSU Researchers Address Emerging Agriculture Issues

As Washington’s land-grant institution, Washington State University is committed to addressing the existing and emerging needs of the state’s residents, business and industry, particularly in the area of agriculture. We partner with the state’s food and farm industry to keep it competitive in an increasingly global economy.

Understanding the link between new knowledge and real-world problem-solving, the Unified Industry-Based Agriculture Initiative funded by the Washington Legislature for the 2007-2009 biennium provided funds to the WSU Agricultural Research Center. The charge? To create an internal competitive grants program to bring faculty expertise to bear on some of the thorniest issues facing Washington agriculture in the future.

After a process that included peer review by panels of WSU senior faculty as well as representatives from the state’s ag industry, grants have been awarded for projects ranging from water quality and vegetable contamination to improving the quality of the state’s agricultural products and finding new markets for them; from developing new value-added products by extracting the antioxidants from fruit processing wastes to the role of organic production systems on retaining and enhancing soil productivity.

Take a look at the projects funded through this progressive and productive new grant program. They paint a picture of the issues facing the farmers of the future as well as the science needed to address them. Read More »


WSU, Bee Industry Partner to Study CCD

Washington State University scientists and Pacific Northwest beekeepers are joining forces to find out what is causing the mysterious Colony Collapse Disorder that has wiped out thousands of hives ...more info


Our Mission

The goal of the Washington State University Agricultural Research Center (ARC), the Agricultural Experiment Station of the State of Washington, is to promote research beneficial to the citizens of Washington.  The ARC recognizes its unique land-grant research mission to the people of Washington and their increasing global involvement.  The ARC provides leadership in discovering and applying knowledge through high-quality research that contributes to a safe and abundant food, fiber, and energy supply while enhancing the sustainability of agricultural and natural resource systems.

Upcoming News & Events


NEW: Aquaculture 2010 RFP due Feb. 16, 2009 more...


Wine-Grape RFP due Jan. 30, 2009 to arcgrants@wsu.edu


IFS-Investment for Future Success Program; Due Jan. 5, 2009 . more...


Jan. 26, 2009: Wheat and Barley Research Review; Gladish Community and Cultural Center, View Room, Pullman, Wash.
Wheat 2009-2010 RFP


2008 Wheat, Barley, and Vogel Progress Reports


STEEP RFP due Jan. 16, 2009

GSCSSA RFP due Mar. 2, 2009


Brief Summary of FY 08 Emerging Research Issue Awards


March, 2008 - ARC Bioproducts Report: On the Road to a Bioeconomy explores how WSU scientists are addressing the issue of power to the planet.

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Agricultural Research Center , PO Box 646240, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6240, 509-335-4563, Contact Us

Agricultural Research Center programs and employment are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported to the WSU Center for Human Rights at chr@wsu.edu and 509-335-8288.