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Private Career Schools

News Announcements
The Private Career School office licenses private career schools and provides educational leadership, technical assistance, training, and support to over 375 private career schools in Oregon. These schools instruct students in career fields as diverse as computer technology, cosmetology, health care, real estate and business. Private career school programs provide opportunities for students who have a very specific career focus. Students beyond high school who enroll in private career schools should feel confident that they will receive the preparation they need for productive careers.

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Use this online tool to search Private Career School and Veterans Approved Programs.


Attending a Private Career School

Private career school programs provide opportunities for students who have a very specific career focus.


Cosmetology Schools

Information on Cosmetology Schools, Core Curricula, Cosmetology Teachers, and Continuing Education.

Veterans Education

Veterans Education

Veterans and other individuals eligible to receive G I. Bill educational benefits must be assured that they are enrolling in programs that meet quality standards.



Contact information for the Private Career School office.

Opening a School

Opening a Private Career School

The Private Career School office licenses private career schools and provides educational leadership, technical assistance, training, and support to over 375 schools.



Resources for Private Career Schools.


Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about Private Career Schools.

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