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Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
National Science Foundation
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Status: Live

Web Image Availability
Live webcam image availability of the new Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station is based on two conditions: communications availability and the Antarctic seasons.

Communications Availability
Live images of the South Pole are carried to the U.S. via communications satellites. Satellite coverage of South Pole Station is available for roughly 11 hours and 15 minutes each day, during which time live images are sent to this web site. The daily satellite communications window occurs approximately four minutes earlier each day.

To view time frames for the daily satellite communications window, see the South Pole Satellite Visibility External Non-U.S. Government Site web page. To see the date and time the image was taken, click on the View Larger Image link below the image.

Antarctic Seasons
At the South Pole, the sun rises and sets based on seasons rather than days as it does in mid-latitudes; hence the famous polar six months of daylight and six months of darkness. When available light becomes too low for the camera to produce a usable live image on the web page, a static image is inserted in its place. Live images are available from approximately mid-September through mid-April.

South Pole Station Webcam
The South Pole Station webcam is mounted on the Atmospheric Research Observatory (ARO) and focuses on different areas of the station in order to allow USAP participants, scientists from around the world, and the general public to view activity and geophysical rarities at the South Pole. The ARO building can be seen in the top left of the aerial photo below. The camera will remain as a permanent fixture to support international scientific efforts.

For information about current research conducted at the South Pole, see the NSF South Pole Research Projects pageExternal U.S. Government Site.

For a comprehensive look at the new station, visit the National Science Foundation's South Pole Station Special ReportExternal U.S. Government Site page.

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Weather and satellite availibility at the South Pole
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15:45:00 GMT
-26.6°C   -15.9°F
-39.0°C   -38.3°F
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South Pole Station for Science

The South Pole station is one of three year-around stations operated by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The other two United States Antarctic Program stations are McMurdo Station on the Ross Island and Palmer Station on Anvers Island near the Antarctic Peninsula. Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station sits at the Earth's axis on a shifting continental ice sheet several miles thick.

The South Pole is a unique research site that supports projects ranging from cosmic observations to seismic and atmospheric studies. The extremely dry, cold air is perfectly suited for observing Cosmic Microwave Background (CMBExternal Non-U.S. Government Site) radiation-the faint light signature left by the Big Bang that brought the universe into being nearly 14 billion years ago. The pattern of these ancient photons reveals the contents and structure of the infant cosmos.

Another large astrophysical project at the pole is IceCubeExternal Non-U.S. Government Site—a one-cubic-kilometer international high-energy neutrino detector being built in the clear ice, 1.25-2.5 kilometers below the South Pole station. IceCube tracks ghostly subatomic particles called neutrinos that were created by exotic deep-space events such as exploding stars.

The new Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, dedicated in January 2008 during the first year of International Polar Year (IPY) External U.S. Government Site, began austral summer operations on October 26, 2008. There are 18 science teams working on projects in climate sciences, atmospheric science, astrophysics, and geophysics. Also, a participant of the U.S. Antarctic Artists and Writers program will visit the station as part of his research for a book on dark matter, dark energy, and the frontiers of cosmology.

At an elevation of 2,835 meters (9,300 feet), the station supports a weekly average population of approximately 250 science and support personnel this season. Average monthly temperature in the austral summer is -28°C (-18°F). The station begins winter operations on February 14, 2009.

Click to go to the National Science Foundation's website USAP.gov is the U.S. Government’s official web portal for the U.S. Antarctic Program, which is managed by the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs - 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 755 Arlington, VA 22230 Content Curator: Webmaster, Raytheon Polar Services Company
NSF Official: Winnie Reuning, Office of Polar Programs/Peter West, Office of Legislative and Public Affairs
Last Updated: October 5, 2005
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