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Audio clips: Mars Exploration Rovers Five-Year Anniversary

Five years after landing on Mars, the twin exploration rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, are still alive and studying opposite sides of the Red Planet.

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Podcast: Five Years of Cruising on Mars

Harsh climate, dust storms, winds, a broken leg - nothing has stopped the Mars Exploration Rovers from celebrating their fifth anniversary this month.

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Audio clips: NASA Spacecraft Confirms Perchlorate On Mars

Scientists with NASA's Phoenix Mars lander, which landed on Mars May 25, have shared findings from research in progress.

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NASA Phoenix Media Telecon - Aug. 5, 2008

An audio recording of the August 5 media telecon.

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Audio clips: NASA Spacecraft Confirms Martian Water, Mission Extended

Laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample.

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NASA Phoenix Media Telecon - June 26

An audio recording of the June 26 media telecon.

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NASA Phoenix Media Telecon - June 20

An audio recording of the June 20 media telecon.

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Podcast: Tall Oceans and Global Warming

A new satellite will measure ocean clues to global warming, and improve weather and climate forecasts.

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NASA Phoenix Media Telecon - June 16

An audio recording of the June 16 media telecon.

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NASA Phoenix Media Telecon - June 11

An audio recording of the June 11 media telecon.

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