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photo of jim thompson

Jim Thompson
Cave Research Scientist

Jim Thompson, a former US Navy Tactical Air Controller, is a dive control specialist and a master scuba diver, commercial multi engine pilot and conducts airborne thermography from his hot air balloon "Flourish",

He is retired from over 25 years of owning a nationwide disaster restoration company which specialized in cleaning up after industrial catastrophes and now devotes his time to infrared research using thermography to locate caves and working on his captains license at sea.

Jim's papers into thermographic research are published in the US and abroad.  As a member of the NASA Atacama Desert Science Team 2006, he conducted extensive thermographic research of cave entrances in the Atacama Desert Chile. He was on the 2007 and 2008 Spaceward Bound Expeditions to the Mojave Desert in California.

He is a Fellow of The Explorers Club and a lifetime member of the National Speleological Society and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.


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Editor: Linda Conrad
NASA Official: Liza Coe
Last Updated:February 2006
Students Contact: Loretta Hidalgo
Teachers Contact: Liza Coe