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photo of Jane Curnutt

Jane Curnutt
California State University
San Bernardino


I am a graduate student at California State University, San Bernardino. I have 26 years experience working with computer hardware and computer interfaces to equipment. My primary areas of interest are latency and communications in distributed and parallel computing and astrobiology.

I was fortunate to be able attend a computational astrobiology summer session this year that was fascinating and covered areas from comets and meteors to extreme environments.   I am currently working on my thesis on latency and packet size in parallel computing, a related project latency tuning a cluster at NASA-Dryden, and a research project investigating the use of cellular automata to represent patchy plant patterns in semi-arid environments.

I am involved in mentoring other women in computer science, and computer engineering.

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Editor: Linda Conrad
NASA Official: Liza Coe
Last Updated:February 2006
Students Contact: Loretta Hidalgo
Teachers Contact: Liza Coe