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Plain Language

Plain Language Home

Executive Order [PDF]

Governor’s Plain Language Handbook

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Before and After

2007 Annual Report

No matter our occupation by day, all of us are customers of those who provide service in the public and private sector. Nearly all of us work for a boss or bosses.

It needs to be clear that the people are the boss of state government, not the other way around. In the business world, a business would not be successful if those responsible for making important decisions could not understand what the employees were saying. It is not too much to ask us to speak clearly to our employers.

It makes no sense to talk to people in bureaucratic legalese, gobbledygook to some, and expect citizens to comply with incomprehensible rules, requirements, and instructions. We can, and must, do better.

On my first full day in office, I signed an executive order that requires, among other things, each of the agencies under my direction to do a complete review of the manner and content of our communication with the people we serve.

The Plain Language Initiative is designed to help Florida build stronger relationships through clear communication. Government’s business is public service and we can deliver our product more efficiently if our customers understand what we are trying to do.

State agencies have formed teams of writers, editors, and policy experts charged with improving their agency’s communications with the people. From team reviews, agencies will implement policies and procedures to ensure prompt and clear communication with the people.

Please use this site to become more familiar with the Plain Language Initiative. Read some of the “Before and After” comparisons, or perhaps alert us to a state government document in need of plain language attention.

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