Environment and Climate Resource Center

Take Action!

Take Action on Global Warming:
Write Your Local Papers

From high gas prices, to exreme weather patterns, it seems like everyone is suddenly talking about the energy crisis, global warming, and climate change. Unfortunately, a lot of this discussion has been marked by lack of creative vision when it comes to solutions. Instead we are seeing old ideas like nuclear power and offshore drilliing being introduced again.

We need to take action to make sure that our leaders start taking proactive steps that can bring about real change in reducing global warming. One way to let elected officials and candidates know that you want them to take this issue seriously is to write letters to your local papers. These letters are often read by elected officials and candidates and let them know that their constituents demand action on this issue.

Click here to send a letter!

What's Your Carbon Footprint?

Chart your progress in
reducing carbon emissions.

Peak Everything
by Richard Heinberg

Peak Everything addresses many of the cultural, psychological, and practical changes we will have to make as nature rapidly dictates our new limits. This latest book from Richard Heinberg, author of three of the most important books on Peak Oil, touches on the most important aspects of the human condition at this unique moment in time.
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Eating Fossil Fuels by Dale Allen Pfeiffer

The miracle of the Green Revolution was made possible by cheap fossil fuels to supply crops with artificial fertilizer, pesticides, and irrigation. Estimates of the net energy balance of agriculture in the United States show that ten calories of hydrocarbon energy are required to produce one calorie of food. Such an imbalance cannot continue in a world of diminishing hydrocarbon resources.
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The False Promise of BiofuelsThe False Promise of Biofuels

A report from the International Forum on Globalization points out that the current ethanol movement may cause more harm than good. Download PDF

Gardening for the Future of the Earth

Gardening for the Future of the Earthby Howard-Yana Shapiro, Ph.D.,
Agricultural Director at Seeds of Change, and John Harrisson

  • Garden planning and design that saves work and water
  • Composting and other methods to build soil without chemical fertilizers
  • Planting and pruning techniques for dramatically increased yields
  • The pleasures of seed saving--and even breeding your own varieties
  • Exploring the richness of biodiversity through kinship gardening
  • And much more


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