Appetite for a Change

A campaign to reduce children's exposure
to pesticides, toxins, and junk foods
Four Appetite for a Change (AFC) Goals

STOP spraying toxic pesticides on school property, playgrounds and in buildings, and convert to integrated pest management practices.

KICK junk foods and junk food ads out of our schools.

START converting school lunches to healthier menus, using locally grown and/or organic and transition to organic ingredients (no pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, irradiation or genetically engineered ingredients). Offer vegetarian options.

TEACH kids about healthy food choices and sustainable agriculture through school garden projects and curriculum materials.

AFC DownloadS

Safe-schools media pack (Word Doc)

US Government Fact Sheet:
Children's Pesticide Exposure via Food Products

How to Change School Food Policy: An Organizing Kit

Please circulate our leaflet: Grayscale | Color

Petition to support healthier food in school


Environmental Working Group

Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood

Share Our Strength

Healthy Kids Resource Center

Public Citizen's Safe Lunch Program

Child Proofing Our Communities

PVC: The Poison Plastic

How to get Organic Milk into Your Kid's School

The Little Green Schoolhouse
Ecological Sustainability, Children's Environmental Health and K-12 Education in the US.

Commercial Alert
Works to prevent the commercial culture from exploiting children and subverting the higher values of family, community, environmental integrity and democracy.

CSPI Kid Stuff CHOW Club!
Gives suggestions for better school foods & nutrition information geared toward children.

School LunchRed Tomato
Connecting farmers and consumers through marketing, trade, and education

Rethinking School Lunch
Center for Ecoliteracy/ Berkeley Unified School District Project

Center for Science in the Public Interest
Nonprofit education and advocacy organization that focuses on improving the safety and nutritional quality of our food supply and on reducing the carnage caused by alcoholic beverages.

California Safe Schools
A nonprofit environmental coalition of over fifty organizations located in Southern California committed to the health and safety of children, teachers, staff and community members who reside near school sites.

Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
This organization has done an enormous amount of work regarding institutional markets for sustainable agricultural products. It s a great site to find out what other people have gone through to get their products into institutions.

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